Settling in..

9 years ago
24 posts
Hi all am a ning migrator and am trying to get something up and working as fast as I can, hopefully have something I can get up in a few hours tonight. We had just switched to dolphin, from Ning about a week ago and having to many 'small' issues there that just added up to too much. Support was great tho, but in the end was just too much so am glad and excited to be here, have heard many great stuff about jamroom and look forward to being a part of the community.

A few quick questions but prob more to come throughout the course of the night I'm sure.. :)

If I am doing a ning transfer, should I do that before I set up the sight or does it matter?

Templates can be switched at anytime right?

I have tried a few templates but when I look at the page its blank, is there a template that or a way you can set up a template to have some pre-set options that work right out of the box and I can just go in and edit/customize as needed or maybe they do and I'm missing something?

Also, I am looking at modules and do I download to myy computer ?

This is our current site on Dolphin and am trying to get back to something like that:

Thanks in advance!

updated by @richmorrissey: 01/06/17 05:57:44PM
9 years ago
24 posts
Am trying to get the M theme but I click add to cart it's trying to charge me, how do I access the free copy?

9 years ago
3,605 posts
Hi and welcome!

Do you know coding? If not, then creating your site in just a few hours may be a bit ambitious. Especially since many folks are headed to bed right now and the weekend is upon us.

A couple of quick things though-
You are going to need to have your site hosted on a server. Either own/run your own server or rent a server or use one of Jamroom's hosting plans where they provide and maintain the server for your site. With Jamroom hosted plans, the skins and modules will all be free to use. If you provide your own hosting or use other's hosting, then you can get the platform Core free but you'll be paying for modules etc. Definitely cheaper to use JR hosting, and the hosting servers are very speedy.

Do you have a ning 2 archive made? How big is the file size total? You will want to choose a server size based on that.
Others will chime in here for sure, but it's G'nite for me!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
24 posts
Hi Strumelia :)

I am being hosted with jamroom and got the module adding figured out and enabled lol am mobing onto adding them to the site itself and changing the basic colors of the site. And I have a ning 3.0 site with about 270 members and not a huge amount of content.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
From your site's ACP goto the Marketplace and add modules and skins from there.

If yours is a Ning3 site you can only import basic member info and none of their content. Do that via the tool in the NingImport module. Do it now so that you have some members to work with when developing your site. You can always do it again later to top up the site with any new members.

Checkout all our 'stock' skins to see which is the nearest to what you want then use that as a starting point for development.

Most important - Read the docs and search this forum. Most answers to your questions will be there:-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
24 posts
I have been searching and reading but am just stuck, tried adding our radio code in a widget bt it isn't java so doesn't work:

Your browser does not support iframes.

View the content of this inline frame with your browser

Same with a few other things. I am assuming there is a way to add this, I just haven't gotten there yett, I am basically trying to get some kind of visual representation of what I am doing I guess. I turned off developer mode thinking maybe that would show more other then the 3 top selections of the template I am on like container and menu items 3 times over, I am not even sure what page this is supposed to be or it doesn't matter at this point.

I installed the mSkin X template and went to read the documentation in that and it's written in Latin. I did manage to get a link to our external radio site on the top but it doesn't work lol. Haven't tried or calendar code or poker room links yet or twitch and youtube feeds but I installed the youtube module so guess I will get to that soon too..

Added that additional code for the chat too but it still doens't shiw, I just entered it in the middle of the footer.tpl and saved it and made sure it was checked.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Iframes are stripped from user code automatically as they are a notorious security risk. If you really need to use them install and configure our Framer module.

As for the RumbleChat, if you've installed their code correctly and have configured your account with them correctly you really need to contact them for further advice.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
7,799 posts

What would you have it say? add that.

What you're looking at is "Lorem Ipsum"

Explanation of what its is here:
9 years ago
24 posts
I would have it say the instructions as probably any other normal person would expect it to say after you click documentation.
9 years ago
3,605 posts
I would have it say the instructions as probably any other normal person would expect it to say after you click documentation.

Rich, since it's your site, you get to decide what it says there- the Latin stuff is just a text 'placeholder'. You put whatever text or description YOU want in there- replace those Latin excerpts with your own descriptions and information.

Helpful tip: You'll find it's easier to get help on the forum here if you post a separate thread for each question you have- that makes it easier for people to help you and keeps things from getting too twisted as when multiple issues get lumped together. Post one question per thread and you'll get your questions resolved more efficiently. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 10/08/16 12:08:08PM
9 years ago
24 posts
Ok thanks.. :)

Well I had the template demo up so I assumed clicking documentation on top of it assumed it was on how to install the template.
updated by @richmorrissey: 10/08/16 12:11:58PM
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Rich, as Paul said above:
From your site's ACP go to the Marketplace and add modules and skins from there.

You said you were on JR hosted server. Do as Paul says and the skins and modules you install from the Marketplace will then be there in your site and all their default templates will be in place correctly as well.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
24 posts
Thanks, I did manage to find that and install it after but got 2 widgets created on the page but no lines or boxes to show how it will look or anything just this basically:
