solved Can a blog ever become an event

9 years ago
346 posts
Hi guys,

I have always been curious about this and not sure if it's been ask yet..but if I create a blog about a show I was at..I named it with a title...added a picture to the bog etc..then I realized this will be better off being an to avoided deleting everything and starting all over again is there a way to move the blog from there to an event or gallery..vice versa..I know going into jamroom 5 from Jamroom 4..there's a module to move items from one profile to another..whoch is will there ever be moving and item from one media to another..
Will that ever be doable :)

updated by @boplive: 01/30/17 03:11:04AM
9 years ago
346 posts
Bump :(
9 years ago
7,790 posts

It would be possible to do with a module:
* read the blog post datastore items,
* change the structure to match the event datastore items
* ask for the extra needed fields
* save

but its not likely a module we would build and release.
9 years ago
346 posts
Maybe it's someth8ng that I will look into the future :)

Thanks as always Michael..I'll close this out
9 years ago
7,790 posts
Its not something that would be too difficult to build as a module, its just where do you draw the line between being able to build a module and building a module and releasing it.

Can you build a module that moves blogs to events: yes, will many people use it, probably not.

Can you build a module that moves images from the gallery to guestbook posts: yes, but will many people use it, no.

Just because we wouldn't build it as a release module, doesn't mean you shouldn't if its useful to you.
