Hi Team!
I'm about to create a second JR site on my JR hosted server, and I increased my server size from 48GB to 96GB earlier today to get the needed space.
It went fine and shows that I now AM on the 96 GB server.
However, both my ACP dashboard data and my server settings here are still showing my disk usage as:
44% (20.4GB of 46.88GB) ...which is the same as before and shows the 46GB size for the server. I have not put anything new on the server yet.
It's been hours now and i've done integ check and cache etc.
I wanted to clone over a JR site but am a bit hesitant til I get the correct disk space numbers showing.
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 12/28/16 11:50:31AM