hey guys
i emailed ya about this too
but you may not know that i got my name from literally soaring with eagles with www.freedomswings.org but have not been dancing in the clouds for a number of years..until next week that is when i resume my pilots license lessons
i promised them i would redo their website which now is way in need of recreating, they are also using several sites to do the job of 1.. using a pilots scheduling site that's awkward to use and i think the calendar feature can be adapted for that use
they use yahoo groups for communication, which can be done in forums blogs and groups
and on jamroom theres just so much more we can do (like the thousands of pilots, and people who have just taken inspirational rides can share stories, lessons they learned photos and videos
and .. we can run a ground school program on site so people can familiarize themselves with the basics before a 1st flight experience
anyways.. freedoms wings was located just 3 miles from where i grew up .. the road i broke my back on injuring my spinal cord ran from my house, to the airport they flew out of, and i started flying just 2 weeks after getting out of the hospital
so its has made a huge diference in mine, and many peoples lives
because i am investing all my money this month into the books i need to study for my license i was hoping thered be a way to get a non profit discount for the liscence for the added site (and any additional modules or premium skins we may need)
freedoms wings international has been a registered 501c3 non profit for probably over 30 years
financially they are not doing that great this year (i'm also working my ass off on fundraising options too)
we use aerotow to launch the gliders, each aerotow to 3000 feet (20 minute flight if you don't find thermals and stretch it out to 1-6 hours) costs about 40 dollars i think
inspirational flights are always free so covering just the liscense for the domains 1 less person who gets to fly
additionally they have sponsorship for low income individuals that covers tow fees for training and even beyond once your licensed.
our planes are also getting older, needing repairs more often, and although they are great performance for training we would love to one day get a competition class ship
2 of our pilots have competed in regional competitions and came in 2nd place, but based on the handicap of using a trainer against high performance racers they came in 1st overall
so these are some of my fundraising goals over the next year
but in the meantime we desperately need an updated site that can help us reach these goals
sorry for posting this here, i just know i get a faster reply then by email
we can discuss the specifics by email (and delete this if you want just posted to get faster attention since i am ready to start building the site tomorrow)
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 12/15/16 04:09:47AM