Work around for Max Upload Limit?

9 years ago
23 posts
My hosting plan has my max upload limit set to only 20 MB in the php.ini . Obviously I will need to upgrade hosting plans at some point. But, for now is there any work around that anybody knows about? Specifically right now I am trying to upload the GeoLiteCity.dat file which is 22.3 MB. Can I import this directly into the database?
updated by @whodaniel: 09/14/16 03:28:26AM
9 years ago
2,804 posts
This Doc should help...

Increase PHP Upload Limit


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
23 posts
So, basically there is no way to work around it if my host has it hard set at 20MB and I don't have access to php.ini. Is there a way to import GeoLiteCity.dat with MySQL?
9 years ago
10,149 posts
You can, but it's not as simple - you need to:

1) upload the geocity.dat file to data/media/0/0 and name it "geoipcity-1463577028.dat"

2) go into the jr_jrcore_settings table and set the value column for the "ip_file_time" key in the jrGeoIP module to "1463577028".

Reset caches and that should work. I'd recommend contacting your hosting provider about upping that limit though - 20mb in 2016 is way, way too small :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
