solved Something wrong with jrPlaylist 1.1.0

9 years ago
302 posts
I want to see my playlist as standalone player, but this is the result

This is part of the source code of that page

title: "[audio] 6. Hijo de Dios",
                artist: "Nelio Perez",
                module: "jrPlaylist",
                item_id: "3387",
                poster: "",
                mp3: "",
            } ,

It shows a very big image.. maybe that's the problem? How can I change that?

I'm using the lastest version 1.1.0

How do I fix it? thanks
updated by @andrusito: 06/15/16 02:13:13PM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
That standalone playlist would be used to embed the player into somewhere. It would take on the dimensions of the location its embedded to.

Docs: "How to embed the playlist player in an external site"

The image size would be coming from that items modules item_list.tpl file by default. so if its an audio file then /modules/jrAudio/templates/item_list.tpl unless its been over ridden somewhere.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
The problem may be that in the template code you have the image size set very big ...(height: 19509px)
<img id="jp_poster_0" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 19509px; display: inline;">

updated by @derrickhand300: 03/11/16 04:15:51PM
9 years ago
302 posts
I've solved it.

I had to edit the item_list.tpl file from jrPlaylist module.

Thanks both!!
9 years ago
1,353 posts
I am still seeing the huge image on this end...just FYI
9 years ago
302 posts
oh yes! that's because I've reverted back the changes I did in that moment :)

Thanks for the observation @derrickhand300
