Changing Header Banner

9 years ago
31 posts
How do I change the header banner? Will it rotate different ads?
updated by @voxster: 04/30/16 04:27:11PM
9 years ago
7,790 posts
You can upload different images via the IMAGES tab on the skin you are using.

The table of contents for the docs are here:

guessing you're probably after this doc:

Docs: "Module/Skin IMAGES (tab)"
9 years ago
865 posts
You might be better served using AdSense are if you want to serve your own ads you will need some code to rotate them automatically. Maybe in this case use a 3rd party and script and use the code it outputs to place the ads on jamroom.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
voxster, here is an example of an inexpensive rotating (3rd party code) slideshow i use on my site's main page, to rotate ads that members purchase from me, or my own ads, notices, or images:
I chose to have it positioned spanning the middle of my home page as a side-by-side pair of independent slideshows, but you could put one right UNDER your top banner, or at bottom or side of page, in several different locations, etc.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
