10 years ago
772 posts
My company hosts a small mix of Wordpress, Jamroom and HTML/php websites and after experiencing great things with jamroom hosting I've been looking at moving them to linode as well. These are apart from the jamroom sites I'm hosting on Jamroom Hosting.

I've followed the documentation here for setting up a Digital Ocean server and have hit a couple snags. Wondering if the docs are not up to date.

Is Ubuntu 14.0.4LTS recommended for Jamroom? It doesn't seem to want to install php5-suhosin. When configuring virtual hosts it seems to require the conf file be named with .conf
updated by @blindmime: 03/25/16 09:49:51PM
10 years ago
7,788 posts
The guide:
"High performance jamroom on digital ocean"

should work for linode too.

I used the docs to setup my local server an its running ubuntu 14.04 LTS using those docs.

Its been a while since I setup my local server though, .conf is what the names of the files are.

Your talking about the:
sudo a2ensite
10 years ago
772 posts
Yes the guide indicates creating with pico and then running

sudo isn't used in the guide

Did you install php5-suhosin?
10 years ago
514 posts
Yes the guide indicates creating with pico and then running

sudo isn't used in the guide

Did you install php5-suhosin?

sudo (/ˈsuːduː/ or /ˈsuːdoʊ/) is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser.

So, if you're logged in as root, you don't need to use sudo. If you're logged as a user other than root, you'll need to use sudo to elevate permissions for the user.
updated by @jimmy: 12/25/15 10:06:28AM
10 years ago
7,788 posts
I never login as the root user, it never occurs to me to. So installing stuff for me its normal to do:
sudo .......
there must be many ways to do things.

I did not install suhosin judging by my phpinfo() data. Not a big concern for me as its a local dev machine.
10 years ago
514 posts
I don't think it throws any errors if you're logged in as root and still use sudo.
10 years ago
772 posts
Michael, it sounds like maybe you didn't exactly follow the guide. You probably used it as guideline along with your own experience. Following exactly, I encountered a few errors the team might want to fix.

I get why sudo wasn't used in the guide. Brian is logged in as root in his example. My question was regarding a few things that appear to be inaccurate in the guide, specifically, creating "" rather than "" and

suhosin isn't installing. Is that because it's not needed in v14 LTS or is there some other factor?

At least, if I'm following correctly, which may not be the case, I understand.

FWIW I did get a working Jamroom using the basic webuzo LAMP stack, however, I had warning errors on ffmpeg and ImageMagick. There is a webuzo jamroom stack available on linode but it requires an upgraded annual webuzo license.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
You don't need suhosin. I need to update the guide as it's designed for Ubuntu 12.04, and we're using 14.04 now.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
