solved Download button has gone

10 years ago
302 posts
Hi, do you know why my download button dissapears when I logout? Look at the image:

As admin I can see it, but as a guest I don't.

I've already set to 'NO' the Block file download option at Audio Support > Global Config > General Settings.

I'm using JR 5.2.41 - Audio module 1.6.1
updated by @andrusito: 03/27/16 11:11:47PM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
If you've set the "Block File Download" or have it checked, then only the master admin will see the download button. The master admin has access to everything.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
302 posts

I've already set to 'NO' the Block file download option at Audio Support > Global Config > General Settings.

That option is unchecked.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
First is that block downloads setting.
ACP -> PROFILES -> AUDIO -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> GENERAL SETTINGS -> "Block File Downloads" = unchecked

That will make the download button show for everyone who is logged in because that's the default setting for that button.

You can change the default setting by using the Item Action Buttons configure button to MODIFY the Audio button to also show for logged out users.
YOUR PROFILE -> AUDIO -> Configure these buttons -> Audio download button -> GROUP -> (no group restrictions)

and save.
10 years ago
302 posts
Thanks @michael! That worked!

Happy Holidays!
