Hi Michael,
I wish that were true. I tried to send from indiegospel.net but all they will talk about is demo.co
At least I was finally able to delete the demo.co entry from their panel (was denied at first). It had apparently been made by Jamroom's "back-end" software.
Now the problem is knowing what exactly got delivered and what didn't. I don't know if I need to resend and I don't want to spam people with two broadcasts.
I can't get a response, other than this meaningless garbage below about demo.co from yesterday.
Hello Ken,
I apologize for the delayed response, we're currently on a skeleton crew due celebrating Thanksgiving.
Our system periodically checks all domains in our environment to verify that the records are still in place. Your domain may have been verified previously, but your DNS record have changed. Doing a public lookup on the DKIM (smtp._domainkey.demo.co) and SPF (demo.co) records return an incorrect value. You can use the following tool to check the value of your DNS records across servers around the world.
You will need to update your DNS records to include the correct values seen in your control panel.
Once the domain has been verified, you will be able to send over the 300 message limit.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Ken Rich