Rating module and site visitors

12 years ago
195 posts
I'm using the JR5 Nova skin.I noticed that visitors(visitor quota) to the site cannot rate a song or video.Only signed on users (admin,artists and fans) can rate songs and videos.
Visitors are able to do this easily on my JR4 site.Is there something i'm missing on JR5?
updated by @johnchansa: 01/19/14 02:42:14PM
12 years ago
125 posts
did you check the settings in the rating module?
12 years ago
195 posts
I checked the settings and all quotas are allowed to rate items.Once I log out and try to rate a song,nothing happens.....As a visitor,I should be able to rate a song without singing on.
12 years ago
7,791 posts
Currently it is not possible. Only logged in users can rate stuff.

I've added an issue tracker for this feature request here:
12 years ago
10,149 posts
This has been added in the Items Rating module version 1.1.0 - it's available now in the marketplace, so update and uncheck the "Require Login" checkbox in the Item Ratings global config.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
195 posts
Perfect...it's now working
