solved Aparna with Nova Skin

12 years ago
600 posts
I tried to create a module with the Aparna Module.
Everything was going well, set up all the fields in form designer
and got the attached image.
Cleared all caches etc ( manually and ran integrity check )
2 things
*The fields are showing instead of the Language ( After seeing this I went into the Language area and edited them )
No Change after clearing everything and running int check
*Why has it inserted two images into the module? One is user the other is profile

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updated by @madc: 02/21/14 08:11:45PM
12 years ago
4,335 posts
The templates that Aparna generates are very generic and do just show the 'key/value' pairs of the datastore item.
You need to edit them for the language strings and layout you want.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
12 years ago
600 posts
I have the new module I created with all fields etc.
I am trying to add those fields to the root index.tpl file to display our Band of the week module form fields on the front page.
However if i try to use the created fields eg. botw_title they do not display

This is what I used in my skin/xxxxx/index.tpl file for testing

<div class="infobox">{$botw_title}

I just need an example of how to pull in this one field to a div on my homepage ( index.tpl ) and I can sort the rest.

How do I get the home page to read and display the modules fields?

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updated by @madc: 12/15/13 02:16:09AM
12 years ago
4,335 posts
Aparna creates 'datastore' modules so on the homepage you would need to use jrCore list, something like -
        {capture name="row_template" assign="template"}
                {if isset($_items) && is_array($_items)}
                {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
                    <div class="infobox">
        {jrCore_list module="BandoftheWeekModule" … parameters to get the bow …. template=$template}
Hope that makes sense.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
12 years ago
600 posts
Thanks <a href="">@paul</a> it is working now but none of the other fields show?
It is showing what i put in the title field, but I removed the ($botw_title) to see if it would still show the title and it did
This is the code i used. Does it look right?

<div class="infobox">
        {capture name="row_template" assign="botw_template"}
                 {if isset($_items) && is_array($_items)}
                    {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
        {jrCore_list module="prBotw" template=$item_list.tpl}

This is what is in my item_list.tpl file in the module

                    <div class="col9 last">
                        <div class="p5">
                            {foreach from=$item item="v" key="k"}
                                {assign var="m" value="Temp"}
                                {assign var="l" value=$m|strlen}
                                {if substr($k,0,$l) == "botw"}
                                    <span class="info">{$k}:</span> <span class="info_c">{$v}</span><br>

The admin is the only one with access to this module ( edit etc ) and it will always be active
I just wanted an easier way to populate the areas rather than hard coding it every week.

We would also like to keep each PAST band of the week somewhere that is viewable on the site like on archive.
So how would I pull only the latest one?

( BTW I just signed up at for the developers course )

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updated by @madc: 12/19/13 05:43:09AM
12 years ago
4,335 posts
If you removed the title field from the template and the title still shows, you need to clear your caches. In fact, when developing templates, put your site into 'developer mode' to disable caching.
To show the latest bots do this -
{jrCore_list module="BandoftheWeekModule" … order_by="_created DESC" limit=1 …. template=$template}
All previous botw items will remain on the datastore (unless admin deletes them) so can be shown on an archive page by putting appropriate search parameters into the jrCore_list call.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
12 years ago
600 posts
Hi @paul after studying the developers course at I found the solution to my problem.
( I am running in developer mode and empty my cache manually to make sure on my server )
One of the problems I had was this section

in my case
it should have been

I have written up a short tute for myself I thought I would share.
Let me know if there is something wrong with this but it works here

Creating an Aparna Module in JR

fmRadio and Radio are terms I used to create this module

Open Aparna in the ACP under the Tools side menu

Clone the Aparna Module
Make sure you use a UNIQUE 2 letter prefix when naming your module
eg. fmRadio
( "fm" is your prefix to make it unique. Radio is your module)

After it is cloned click Cancel
Doing so will make sure everything is working ok

Now you will see your new created module under the "TOOLS" side menu
Click on it and make it active under the "INFO" tab
*This will then create a tab on your profile page to access your new module call RADIO
Set your quotas through the global config of the module to make sure who are allowed to use it.
eg. Artists to use it on their profile
*The quotas can be done at anytime if you are developing

Create all your fields in your module
*Create them through the form designer by accessing your module through YOUR profile, Click on the RADIO TAB and click on Form Designer

Once they are all created take note of the fields in the middle columns
ie. ModuleName_YourField
which for this tute equates to
eg. radio_station

Below are some other fields you may have included which I will use in this example tute

radio_title (Default Created Aparna Field )

Once you are happy with your fields you want to bring into somewhere on your site, you need to style all the CREATED templates that were created through Aparna.
*Not doing so will bring in the fields eg. radio_station so you need to allocate each field

Open your module directory on your server ( modules/fmRadio/templates ) and edit the below tpl files
( These tpl files are created by Aparna )


These are GENERIC tpl files created by Aparna

Edit them to suit your purpose
*An Example edit is below but you can style and call however the way you want

This is an example edit of the item_list.tpl in your new module/template directory

{jrCore_module_url module="fmRadio" assign="murl"}
{if isset($_items)}
    {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
        <div class="item">

            <div class="block_config">
                {jrCore_item_update_button module="fmRadio" profile_id=$item._profile_id item_id=$item._item_id}
                {jrCore_item_delete_button module="fmRadio" profile_id=$item._profile_id item_id=$item._item_id}

            <h2><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.radio_title_url}">{$item.radio_title}</a></h2>
            <!--EDITED FIELDS ARE BELOW-->
            Radio Station: {$item.radio_station}<br>
            Radio Name: {$item.radio_name}<br>
            Address: {$item.radio_address}<br>
            Description: {$item.description}


*If you aren't using translated languages you can do the above.
*If you are using translated languages you will have to set your languages via the ACP and add the relevant code to the above eg. add the lang string which I am not going to cover here

Do this in all your templates.
Add all the fields you created in each tpl file to style each file.

Your module will now show in your profile ( depending on quotas ) on a tab.
You can click on this after setting up one ie Radio Station etc and it will display the station/s.

How do I get this into my homepage?

This is what I asked which I worked out is quite easy

To display this information on the home page STYLED the way you want it, you need to:
(You must do all of the above first otherwise your other pages will look wrong)

Create a new tpl file in your root template directory. ( yoursite/templates folder )
Call it what you want *eg. file name is : index_list_fmradio.tpl

Now open your item_list.tpl file in your module folder ( modules/fmRadio/templates ) and copy and paste the contents of this file into your new index_list_fmradio.tpl file you created above
Edit this the way you want it looking on your home page and save it.

To Call The Template In:

Paste this wherever you want it in your index.tpl file in skins/"YourSkin" directory
{jrCore_list module="fmRadio" order_by="_created DESC" limit=1 template="index_list_fmradio.tpl"}
<!--END fmRadio-->
*The comments can be removed. They are only for coding purposes

Now your radio module will show up on your home page the way you styled it FOR YOUR HOME PAGE. ie. Has its own styling separate from the module pages.

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updated by @madc: 12/16/13 08:49:36AM
12 years ago
600 posts
I am trying to add an audio file to the above area.
I have added the field in the form designer ( I have tried File Upload and also Audio Upload )
Then I added this field to my index_list_fmradio.tpl trying to use the player to call the file.

<div style="display: inline-block; width:75%">
    {jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="radio_song" item=$item}

The player shows but no song is loaded.
Do I need to set something else up?

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12 years ago
7,791 posts
You'd want to check that $item contains an audio file item or a video item since its being played on the player.

Also check what the outputted HTML looks like. Does it have a song to play in that section of javascript that initiates the player when you look at the generated HTML code? If no, then thats the problem. The solution is to pass it a song, which is what you are doing in when you check that $item contains an audio file.

If there is no audio file information, you might need to move the {jrCore_media_player call into a template that has that information available.
12 years ago
600 posts
Thanks for the support <a href="">@michael</a>.

I have added an audio upload field to my form designer in my cloned Aparna Module.
(Although after it is uploaded I see this)

<img src="" />

See how everything is blank (ie AUDIO FILE: etc) ?
Although it definately uploads as I have checked and it's there and it is an mp3 file.

I am trying to call it into the home page. ( ).
I am using the prBotw module I created with Aparna.

You are right the song isn't coming in to my homepage as you can see from my source below. (condensed)
View MY SONG IS MISSING which I put in

<script type="text/javascript">
    new jPlayerPlaylist({
        jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_m52b2cbc8f4092",
        cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_m52b2cbc8f4092"
        playlistOptions: {
            autoPlay: false,
            displayTime: 'fast'
        swfPath: "",
        supplied: "mp3",
        solution: "html,flash",
        volume: 0.8,
        wmode: 'window',
        preload: 'none'

My player shows, and I get this ie hit play, nothing

<img src="" />

If I don't upload a song ( as I have no if statements yet )
I get this

<img src="" />

The code I am using in my index.tpl file to pull it in to the home page is

{jrCore_list module="prBotw" order_by="_created DESC" limit=1 template="index_list_botw.tpl"}

That is pulling in my index_list_botw.tpl template which consists of this ( condensed for example purpose )

{jrCore_module_url module="prBotw" assign="murl"}
{if isset($_items)}
    {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
<div class="item">
 <div id="botw"><div class="row"><div class="col6 last"><div class="inner">
               {jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="botw_song" item=$item}<br>

My upload field in my form/module is called botw_song.
<i>The song is uploaded as I have checked where it is on my server.</i>
But It just isn't pulling it in.

<img src="" />

So what am I doing wrong?
Is there something else I need to do . Or is it this section?

{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="botw_song" item=$item}<br>

The source code shows EVERYTHING that should be there ( I compared it with other pages )

Yet the source doesn't show the song information that it should be calling in
ie. file name and MP3 data as another page shows below

<script type="text/javascript">
    new jPlayerPlaylist({
        jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_m52b2f3a731fd1",
        cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_m52b2f3a731fd1"
                    title: "01 Hey You",
                    artist: "Two Two 79",
                    mp3: "",
                    poster: ""

        playlistOptions: {
            autoPlay: true,
            displayTime: 'fast'
        swfPath: "",
        supplied: "mp3",
        solution: "flash,html",
        volume: 0.8,
        wmode: 'window',
        preload: 'none'

I know there is something else I should be doing or setting up, but it is beyond me.

Would really like some help on this as we really need this to work.

Cheers :D

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updated by @madc: 12/19/13 05:42:05AM
12 years ago
2,802 posts
Have you tried changing the module name in the media player function to your module?

{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="prBotw" field="botw_song" item=$item}<br>


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
12 years ago
600 posts
Yes @douglas but that gives the same effect ie No Audio Loaded
That was one of the first things I checked
I just tried again with the code above and it is the same
See the source at the moment with that edit in

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updated by @madc: 12/19/13 05:55:05AM
12 years ago
4,335 posts
I may be wrong (not at my development system atm) but I think custom audio fields need to end with 'file' ie. botw_song_file

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
12 years ago
600 posts
I tried a lot of variations using botw_song_file without success.
Strange thing was that everytime I tested it say ie.
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="prBotw" field="botw_song_file" item=$item}
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="botw_song_file" item=$item}
It then displayed this
<img src="" />
The only time it ever displays this
<img src="" />
is if the code is
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="prBotw" field="botw_song" item=$item}
But the mp3 info is still not getting into the JS section.

It is strange though that when I am uploading the mp3 through my AUDIO field after it uploads it is empty as below

<img src="" />

If I change the field from Audio to File in form designer it then displays the info of the mp3 file I uploaded ( as below ).
<img src="" />

If I try to replace ( upload over ) this file with another mp3, It says it's the wrong file type ( Even though in ACP File Downloads Module I have it set for Admins to allow mp3's etc. )

But even that doesn't bring it in to the JS.

So I am still confused as to why the mp3 is not getting into the JS section.

I ran debug through my index_list_botw.tpl file.

It seems as though it is reading the mp3
{$current_url}<\/th>\n	""<\/td><\/tr>\n
{$info}<\/th>\n	Array (2)<\/b>
limit<\/b> => 3
total_items<\/b> => 1<\/td><\/tr>\n
{$item}<\/th>\n	Array (218)<\/b>
_created<\/b> => "1387448836"
_updated<\/b> => "1387499838"
_user_id<\/b> => "1"
botw_date<\/b> => "1324252800"
botw_genre<\/b> => "Punk"
botw_lfsep<\/b> => "149"
botw_title<\/b> => "Two Two 79"
botw_video<\/b> => "<iframe width="560" height="315" src=..."
_profile_id<\/b> => "1"
botw_pending<\/b> => "0"
botw_location<\/b> => "Groningen, Nederland "
botw_song_name<\/b> => "02 Shit.mp3"
botw_song_size<\/b> => "1779014"
botw_song_time<\/b> => "1387449250"
botw_song_type<\/b> => "audio/mpeg"
botw_title_url<\/b> => "two-two-79"
botw_lfsfeatured<\/b> => "Promises / Interview / Hey You / Inte..."
botw_song_extension<\/b> => "mp3"
botw_descr<\/b> => "<p><strong><span style="color:#ff0000..."

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updated by @madc: 12/19/13 05:14:28PM
12 years ago
7,791 posts
It looks like an issue with the 'audio' form field type.

Seams, so far, that the issue could be that audio files uploaded via a Form Designer audio type don't get run through the audio converter so things like:
* original_name
* bitrate
* smprate
* length

are not making it to the datastore. I'm trying to figure it out now. Will update once ready.
12 years ago
600 posts
I can zip up my created module and send it to you if you'd like? ( would need email address )

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12 years ago
4,335 posts
Not sure if this is connected, but atm only the button player will work with Aparna created audio files. See note at the end of

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
12 years ago
600 posts
Thanks @paul
The button worked fine. That will do us for now but would be good to have the audio converted etc if need be with the player.
So any heads up you can give @michael would be fantastic!

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12 years ago
7,791 posts
Still working on it, can see the issue, just need to figure out where form uploads processes the upload.

I can zip up my created module and send it to you if you'd like? ( would need email address )

Take it this means you didn't get my email the other day about 'jamroom related'. hmmm. cant PM you can't email. difficult man to get in touch with.
12 years ago
600 posts
hahahaa Ok now I see it. It went in my Junk Folder for some reason.
I did sign up for the Udemy course at a discounted price anyway . I will go through the mail and check it out.

ps There is a PM system here???

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updated by @madc: 12/19/13 10:19:42PM
12 years ago
7,791 posts
Not sure if this is connected, but atm only the button player will work with Aparna created audio files. See note at the end of

Im seeing an issue with the button player too. Its playing the item ID of the /audio/ for the button player, not the audio that was uploaded.

should play:

but actually plays:

brains getting a workout today. :)

nope, no PM system.
updated by @michael: 12/19/13 10:34:05PM
12 years ago
600 posts
I just checked my source after uploading over the original one and it is correct?
( Changed botw_song to botw_file just in case your wondering from previous posts)

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12 years ago
7,791 posts
(That info about was really for paul.) If you check when you click the play button in the update form the url of the song that plays is the /audio/ url and is connected to why your seeing no song information there.

Thats what Im working on now.
12 years ago
2,584 posts
My conclusion on renaming audio modules was that it was best to leave the prefix as "audio".

You can have multiple modules using the same prefix, so jrAudio will coexist with myAudioBook and myRingtones and all can use the same prefix "audio".

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
12 years ago
10,149 posts
I just pushed out a big set of fixes and changes in Audio Support version 1.1.0, that should now have custom audio fields working correctly in the update form with the player, as well as in any other module that wants to use an "audio" field.

There is also a new Modify Album feature, and a number of other bug fixes:

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
Thanks! This one was a pretty big update.
12 years ago
600 posts
Just a heads up @brian. The fields still aren't populating fully.
Also the button player still only plays through aparna cloned module not the full player
new.png  •  6KB

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updated by @madc: 12/21/13 12:45:03AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Just a heads up @brian. The fields still aren't populating fully.
Also the button player still only plays through aparna cloned module not the full player

Did you upload a new audio file? I just tested here and it is getting the meta data. It's not going to "fix" previous files that were uploaded - you'll need to upload a new file.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
600 posts
Yes i did upload a new file. And it was the same. That screenshot is from the newly uploaded file.
Had @michael in skype today and he saw the problem. He is working on a fix apparently as I think it effects the form designer as well. I contacted him because my top songs and charts weren't showing as an other user reported today.
I had the same problem that's why @michael was investigating.
It is only since the last updates ( jraudio, core and marketplace )

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updated by @madc: 12/21/13 06:11:08AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Previous to my last update, no meta data was being saved at all (since the meta data was hard coded to only look for the "audio_file" field - not a cloned or custom field).

Let me make sure I understand what you are doing. You have created a module with Aparna and added an audio field, and the meta is not getting saved for the uploaded audio file - is that correct?

This thread is already getting long and I want only address the audio form field meta data - not any issues with listing or whatnot - let's use a separate thread for any skin/listing issues.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
600 posts
Let me make sure I understand what you are doing. You have created a module with Aparna and added an audio field, and the meta is not getting saved for the uploaded audio file - is that correct?
Aparna = Yes
Added Audio Field = Yes
Audio FIle Meta = Yes
If you view my image above the the length and bitrate aren't going in

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12 years ago
10,149 posts
Let me make sure I understand what you are doing. You have created a module with Aparna and added an audio field, and the meta is not getting saved for the uploaded audio file - is that correct?
Aparna = Yes
Added Audio Field = Yes
Audio FIle Meta = Yes
If you view my image above the the length and bitrate aren't going in

Yes - I can see that - that is the "meta data". I've tested this and it is working here on an existing module, but I will start fresh with an Aparna module and see if I see any issue.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
10,149 posts
One quick thing - reload the jrCore 5.1.6 again - there's a small fix in there was well that come into play. Reload the core, then upload a new file and let me know if that works.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
600 posts
BTW the button still plays fine in the band of the week area ( My Cloned Aparna )

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updated by @madc: 12/21/13 06:23:24AM
12 years ago
600 posts
Sorry @brian, How do I do that . I have never had to reload any module let alone core?
Do I delete the latest and upload the latest core? 5.1.6?

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updated by @madc: 12/21/13 06:26:12AM
12 years ago
2,802 posts
Sorry @brian, How do I do that . I have never had to reload any module let alone core?

Go to your marketplace tools section and click the reload modules and skins button.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Sorry @brian, How do I do that . I have never had to reload any module let alone core?

Yeah - that is the root cause here, as I've just been checking out Michael's notes. I pushed out a small change to the jrCore 5.1.6 AFTER it was released, which contains a small change for this to work - you must have updated before that change was in.

Go to Marketplace -> Tools -> Reload Modules and Skins and reload the jrCore module - that should fix this up for you.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
600 posts
Ok never knew that was there as I haven't had to use that :D
Ok I reloaded core, Dumped all caches just in case
Uploaded new song and it's still the same
No length or bitrate

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12 years ago
10,149 posts
hmmm. Ok, that should be working now. If you're up for it, can you send me your FTP login info and admin login info so I can check it out?

brian [at] jamroom [dot] net


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
600 posts

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12 years ago
10,149 posts
It's working now - I just reloaded the Audio module, as I'm guessing Michael might have made some changes in it - the reload has it all working.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
600 posts
Yep , Thanks @brian!
It all looks good now.

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12 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep , Thanks @brian!
It all looks good now.

Awesome - thanks :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
7,791 posts
This still has issues. Looking at it today.
12 years ago
7,791 posts
I believe this is fixed now. The new jrAudio ver 1.1.2 is in the marketplace.
