JR5 Audio Charts

10 years ago
107 posts
So in JR 3,4 in most places the charts moved based on "plays" which where made up by "streams" plus "downloads" of the songs.

What is it based on now? What moves the audio charts in the JR5 system?
updated by @charles-brady: 01/29/16 07:39:56AM
10 years ago
7,794 posts
"Advanced Charts"

What moves the chart is the chart_field.

eg if you look at the example on that page:

it is:
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="7" tpl_dir="jrFlashback" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak="5" page=$_post.p}

That wants to know the charting movements of the audio_file_stream_count for the last 7 days.

Whatever your wanting is what its based on. Any module that has a datastore can be charted.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Just adding to this, basically, any datastore field that ends in '_count' can be charted. To see these fields on your system -

ACP=>Listings=>Advanced Charts=>Tools=>Chart Fields

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist