account id vs email

10 years ago
584 posts
Is there a way to make a user's email the default user id and hide the userid field?

I'm getting confusion from users between profileid and userid and email. I'd like for users to register and log in with email only and hide the accountid and account image . (again, seems redundant to have account image AND profile image).

Or can somebody explain why its necessary.
updated by @dannya: 11/06/15 06:02:09PM
10 years ago
7,794 posts
This is the profile for the jamroom network:

This is my private profile:

I am me regardless of which profile I am writing on.

Not sure I would be happy having my email as my username because it would be publicly visible to everyone.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
users cannot log in using an "acountid" - do you mean User Name? Just change the text on the signup form to be "email address" instead of "user login" - the Jamroom login accepts either.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
584 posts
Michael, What do you mean your email would be visible to everyone? I thought it's your profile name that is visible.

Brian, by accountid I'm talking about 'user name'; which is different than profile name. The feedback I got was that it was confusing and redundant. Confusing if the names were different. Redundant if the names were the same. I was thinking of just hiding the user name field and just having people log in and register with their email; possibly hide the 'user name' in account settings too.

The same applied to account image. They didn't understand why then needed to upload an account image if they already uploaded a profile image.
updated by @dannya: 10/04/15 08:05:58PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Separate Profiles and Users and fundamental to Jamroom. Profiles are not necessarily people, they can be venues, labels, companies, organisations, whatever. Users are always people.
One profile can have multiple users. One user can have multiple profiles.
Its one of the things that gives Jamroom its general purpose functionality.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
584 posts
I get that. What I'm trying to figure out is if it's possible for someone to use the system effectively without 'user name' and 'user image'. The user can log in with an email. But not sure how else the user name and user image are used. I think all other public facing modules would use their profile name and profile image.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
The general rule within our default templates is that if its a user action, such as a comment or a rating, say, then show the user image, if its a profile releated action, show the profile image. This all happens in the templates so you could go through them all changing user references to profiles, then disable the user image field in the user update form using the Form Designer.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
584 posts
Yeah. I've always questioned user vs profile when building my modules as well. I tend to go with the profile name for one reason: power users. Power users control multiple profiles. The way I use power users is as a record label managing the profiles of various artists. They might have someone who manages the account of the artist. In that case, the label needs to perform actions ON BEHALF of someone. In those cases, you need to post on behalf of the profile owner.
10 years ago
7,794 posts
Michael, What do you mean your email would be visible to everyone? I thought it's your profile name that is visible.
It was a response to the question:
DannyA:Is there a way to make a user's email the default user id and hide the userid field?
If you take away their userID and use their email instead then it shows where their username shows = public.

My username is @michael regardless of whether I'm commenting on any of my profiles, I just happen to have my home profile named the same as my username.
updated by @michael: 10/06/15 12:48:54AM
10 years ago
584 posts
So, I guess you would have to modify any modules that displayed user name (e.g. comments, private notes, ???) with a button to select the profile to "post as". I think Facebook works this way when you have your own pages; you can post as your main profile or as the page.
10 years ago
7,794 posts
So does Jamroom, but your user account is always the same, You can have 10 profiles and create profile items as them when your using that profile, but for comments, you are always you. For buying stuff, you are always you.

So profile related stuff like blog posts, or audio files or images, things that are put on a profile, that will show the profile name, but things like comments show the user.

When you are an owner of a profile and you go to that profile you are automatically changed to that profile, so you wont need to change profiles "Post As" like you do on facebook.
10 years ago
584 posts
I was thinking, in the scenario I posted above, if I am a label A (power user), and I want to "post a song as" artist "xyz". Xyz is not a label artist. i.e. the label does not have full control of my profile. I just want to allow label A to post a song on my profile, but not have access to the other songs which they did not publish.

In that case, I would grant "add songs" permission to Label A. When label A created a song, they could select "post as Artist XYZ". It would then appear on artist xyz page.
10 years ago
7,794 posts
ah. Yeah there is no "partial ownership" of a profile, you either own the profile or you don't. There's nothing in core to do say: "you can add a blog post to this profile, but not an audio file".
