From local host to web server

10 years ago
31 posts

Sorry if I double post or re-post this kind of problem again. I already use search function to see this problem, but there is no answer about this. I would like to know, how can I upload or backup database from my jamroom localhost for me to upload it back to my web server.
updated by @thoiruddin: 10/16/15 11:23:26PM
10 years ago
7,794 posts
Are you moving it to our jamroom hosting? If so there is an "Import a Jamroom 5 Site" button in the hosting settings section.

If not:

The steps are no different than moving any other type of database based web application.

* back up the database from local host. (I'd normally use phpmyadmin to export the database and again to import to the new location)
* upload all the files to the server.
* then update the /data/config/config.php file with the new databases access details.
10 years ago
31 posts

Thanks for you answer. How about cache? Long time ago, I make installation from my localhost machine for me to redesign the theme I purchase here. But, what I got is, the problem come from cache and sometime I can't login to admin panel. How to manually delete the cache?
10 years ago
31 posts

Sorry for the late reply. Let me check it first, and if something happen I try to post it here again. Lately, I got lot of work to do, can't spend my time with Jamroom skin. Need to change it first.
