solved Search page

10 years ago
302 posts
I'm looking for a Search page to use on my mobile version website. In the mobile main menu 'Search' item opens a modal popup. I don't like it. I mean, it doesn't work. The page turns dark but I can't see the popup..

I want to take users to a Search page.

Is that possible?
updated by @andrusito: 07/02/15 02:00:13PM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
You would have to create the search page and then change the search link in your header_menu_mobile.tpl file to point to the new page.

Which skin are you using?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
7,794 posts
a quick hack would be to type in a search term, see where you land, change the link from opening the modal window to opening the location where you just landed.

for me i click on search, a modal window opens, i type something and i get redirected to the results at:

Where there is a search bar to type another search term. change your link from the modal to that location and let them use that instead.
10 years ago
302 posts
@michael - Thanks, I did thought doing that too, but it doesn't work.. If I visit on a new session it says "NOT FOUND The Page You Requested Was Not Found!"

@douglas - I'm using jrNova skin. Do you know how to create it? What should I put on the code?

Thanks both!
10 years ago
2,804 posts
For a simple page, create a file named site-search.tpl and add this code:

{assign var="selected" value="search"}
{assign var="no_inner_div" value="true"}
{assign var="page_title" value="Site Search"}
{jrCore_page_title title=$page_title}
{jrCore_include template="header.tpl"}

<div class="inner">
    {jrSearch_form class="form_text" value="Search Site" style="width:70%"}
{jrCore_include template="footer.tpl"}

Then change your search link in your header_menu_mobile.tpl file from this:

{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrSearch')}
    <li id="search_link"><a onclick="jrSearch_modal_form();" title="Site Search"><span class="capital">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="24" default="search"}</span></a></li>

to this:

{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrSearch')}
    <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/site-search" title="Site Search"{if isset($selected) && $selected == 'search'} style="{$menu_active_style}"{/if}><span class="capital">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="24" default="search"}</span></a></li>


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
302 posts

That's what I'm talking about :D

Thanks Douglas!
10 years ago
2,804 posts
Your welcome, glad I could help. :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
