Chart error

10 years ago
185 posts
Hello please check it out not works correctly the charts see image

How works the chart and how we can set or configure the chart setting, resetting, count by plays etc...?

And how we can export the chart data monthly, weekly or yearly
image.jpg  •  373KB

updated by @amwproductions: 05/15/15 12:39:33PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
The docs for the "Advanced Chart" module is here:

"Advanced Charts"
updated by @michael: 10/25/15 02:16:33AM
10 years ago
2,800 posts
The files used for that side chart are the skins/jrMediaPro/side_charts.tpl and the skins/jrMediaPro/side_charts_row.tpl.

The side chart is setup for yearly charts and at this time there isn't a way to change it without modifying the templates.

If you have the jrBatchEdit module, you could reset the play counts via ACP > Media > Audio Support > Tools > Batch Edit. Then check the audio_file_stream_count checkbox to edit all of those fields at once.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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