solved tinyMCE Editor (for editor embedded for site builder)

10 years ago
2 posts
(Context: I am currently evaluating Jamroom as an alternative to ning 2.0, so I am new to JR, so maybe I ask stupid questions. I already purchased the ning support and ning import etc: there are some issues, but I will first experiment for solutions a little more (german import ..) before I post/ask on that. I also have site builder beta installed, so maybe it has to do with beta?).

I have the Editor Embedded module active, but I have no button for opening the embedding in the editor.
My editor looks different from the one in the Editor Embedded video, see attached screenshot
( ).
I disabled the Editor embedded module and reenabled it: that did not bring up the button.
I ran a system integrity check (whatever this does): still no button.
Just to be sure I tried a different browser: nope.

Do I need to enable the mentioned tinyMCE editor?
If so, where? (I searched all modules and the support forum, but found nothing)
Anybody any hints?
Editor.jpg  •  22KB

updated by @jonasmuc: 03/11/15 01:59:56AM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
Hello and welcome to the Jamroom forums!

You may need to allow the quota to use the embed module. Go to ACP > Forms > Editor Embedded Media > Quota Config tab and select the quota the profile belongs to and make sure you have the "Allowed On Profile" check box checked.

Hope this helps! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
2 posts
Yes! That's it! Thank you so much!
Quotas do not exist on Ning and it's not profile centric .. I have to get used to this ..
Greetings from Munich (afternoon in Germany)
10 years ago
2,804 posts
Glad it was helpful. :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
@jonasmuc -

One of the great strengths of JR is member quotas. One way to think of them is as the interface to a very fine-grained access control list (ACL). You can decide, on a quota-by-quota basis, what features and functionality you want to add to a quota.

That said, there are some combinations of configurations that result in unintended conflicts. This is not uncommon when it comes to ACLs. But finding the combination is not always straightforward. I have found that sometimes there is an interaction between a quota config and some of the global skin configurations. And if you've made changes in templates -- well those can override settings you make in the ACP.

I really like the control that quotas get me, but I've made some simple mistakes that hid necessary functionality from members, resulting in unnecessary extra work for me.

But in the end, I think the results are more than worth the effort.
updated by @claygordon: 02/03/15 11:37:42AM
