I'm gonna blow a gasket . . . If Arvixe Doesn't Get This Fixed Today

10 years ago
92 posts
My site as been down for a week. I've been dealing with 4-5 different tech reps & issue is still not resolved.

I simply want to take I domain that I've owned for several years at decorativeconcreteKINGDOM.com and make my jamroom site at decorativeconcreteKING.com a sub-domain off of that main site.

I had it set fine with ning (my ning sub-domain has always been social.decorativeconcreteKINGDOM.com)and I've got thousands of links across the web pointing to that URL that are now getting plenty of error messages and going nowhere.

Yesterday morning, I thought an Arvixe rep had made some process while chatting live - social.decorativeconcreteKINGDOM.com was pointing to my home page of my jamroom site and working EXCEPT all other links to the other pages where NOT working.

My members are getting restless & I'm going crazy trying to get this working!

(Sorry for the rant, just trying to blow-off steam).

updated by @andyf: 02/16/15 09:23:58PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
It should be just a case of creating an add-on domain in cPanel, moving JR to the sub-folder then setting your domain's DNS to point to Arvixe.
Do you want me to take a look? Email your Arvixe and JR logins and the domains you are trying to setup if so to support [at] jam room [dot] net if so.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
92 posts
@Paul thanks. I just emailed you. Let me know what you can figure out.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Sorry to hear you're having issues @andyf - I appreciate you coming here and letting us know. This is a big reason we're moving forward on getting a "hosting comparison" browser online here that will let users rank hosting providers.

One thing I have seen constantly over the years is that hosting is almost always an area of problems, so hopefully we can do a better job of helping users find quality hosting at an affordable price.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Yes agreed. I will not be able to go live until I get my JR site onto a better managed server/host, and I am pretty clueless about the World O' Servers. Looking forward to reading some comparisons/recommendations...espec for managed, for users like me.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
865 posts
Yes I am in a similar boat my servers MySQL performance is killing the speed test, even after applying optimisations.

The host has been working to resolve it, even scrapped the initial HV I was on as it was faulty, moving me to a new one helped but MySQL performance is still slow in comparison.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
The MySQL section seems to be the one that A LOT of hosting providers have an issue with, and I'm wondering if it has to do with 3rd party MySQL "addons" that introduce rate limiting when run on a shared hosting platform?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
92 posts
@paul I had to do a complete restore (back to last Sat Jan 10th) which stinks because I had one of my new Premium Members upload a ton of great pics on Sunday (which were all lost). Anything you can to to get the domain mapping issue fixed would be much appreciated (still not mapped right). I emailed you.
