Upload failed

11 years ago
224 posts
Hi @ all

We have a problem with the audio module. we can't upload any audio or video files. covers are working.

we have no entries at the activity log and system check says everything is green. I have made an integrity check and reset chache. max upload is 32MB, but the mp3 file had only 4.9MB

Any Ideas?

Greetings, Marco
updated by @bandwerkstatt: 11/17/14 06:58:24PM
11 years ago
224 posts
and where can i set minimum and maximum bitrate?
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Something on the server is causing the upload to fail BEFORE it gets to the JR backend, which is why you don't see any errors in the Activity Log. Make sure the data/cache directory, and all directories and files inside are writable by the web user.

The bit rate for conversions can be set in the Quota Config tab of the audio module. There are no settings for minimum/maximum bit rate on upload.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
224 posts
No, this doesn't helps. Can't upload any Audio or Video
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Unfortunately I don't have many additional suggestions. If this was working, then "stopped" you will want to contact your hosting provider and find out what they changed. Also, make sure a valid upload_tmp_dir has been setup in your PHP config, and just double check all permissions.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
7,799 posts
or perhaps provide some login info for a profile on your site, so we can try uploading something there. Either that or try from different computers/internet connections.
