Installing Jamroom4_jrExport_Module

11 years ago
8 posts
I need help installing the Jamroom4_jrExport_Module in my JR4 install. It's been so long since I've done that. Do I just copy the files?

Reference: Jamroom4 database info and files are sourced via the custom module jrExport supplied with this module in the Jamroom4_jrExport_Module folder. Install this module on the Jamroom4 system in the normal way
updated by @phase1studios: 10/02/14 03:36:00AM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Yeah - Copy the file (jrExport.php) and the folder from the jrImport module's /Jamroom4_jrExport_module folder to the root folder of your JR4 site. Then in the JR4 Admin Control Panel, click on (iirc) System Config, then Modules. The jrExport module should show at the bottom with an Install button. Do it, then open its Settings page to set its key.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
