select and chained select

11 years ago
334 posts
Okay I know I can use select and chained select fields in my custom forms which is perfect.

Then what I need is to use these select and chain select fields to reach these items.

Let me explain; For example I have a chained select to submit a review and I submit a review for an instrument with a chained select like Reviews-> Electric Guitar-> Fender-> XXXmodel

My question here is;
Is it possible to have a Menu item Reviews and then sub items like Electric Guitar Reviews-> Fender Reviews-> and the list of the models

What is the best way to do this with Jamroom ?

Please check
to see what I mean.

Similarly I also want to divide my articles section by topic and reach each topic separately.
updated by @ilker: 05/20/14 02:21:33AM
11 years ago
7,791 posts
'best way' is such a subjective term.

If it was me, i would create a smarty function to build the menu list
function smarty_function_xxMymodule_menu($params, &$smarty)
{ //do a search for menu items //group menu items into nested array //return nested array OR send the nested array to a template for formatting, then return the html }

and call it from where you want to put it in your templates with this command:

if you want to pass in any parameters, just do it
{xxMymodule_menu active_tab="Fender"}

and that will show up in your $params array. you can use it
If it was me, i would create a smarty function to build the menu list
function smarty_function_xxMymodule_menu($params, &$smarty)
{ switch($params['active_tab']){ case'Fender': // do something break; } }
11 years ago
334 posts
Actually, I was wondering if I can do it with just some customizing. Bu it looks like it is not possible with the existing modules at the moment.

Maybe you can think about creating a brand new module for this purpose :)
