My Tree

11 years ago
10,148 posts
I know it is linked as the "example" tree on the Genosis front page, but thought I would link it here for those curios:

I had previously hosted on, and had worked on the tree off and on for a couple years. I learned the hard way about validating sources, so decided to create a new tree using Genosis that was 100% sourced. So while I had 2,000+ people in my tree, currently there are around 650 in my new tree, as many of the ancestors on just could not be validated (beware of sourcing other user's trees that do not source their entries!). It's still a "work in progress" though, and I've got some dead ends I'm trying to work through.

Doing the research (when I have the time) is fun - you get to learn a bit about history and your own family, which makes it all the more interesting ;)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 02/01/15 05:07:54PM
