solved Gender problems

Petra Landgraf
6 years ago
10 posts
I ran into a problem.
I was born in a men's body and had a sex adjustment. This can not be registered but that is not the real problem. I was married and had a child.
I can not select myself as her father! This will result in an error.
How can I change this?

updated by @petra-landgraf: 03/08/20 07:57:02AM
6 years ago
10,149 posts
Petra Landgraf:
I ran into a problem.
I was born in a men's body and had a sex adjustment. This can not be registered but that is not the real problem. I was married and had a child.
I can not select myself as her father! This will result in an error.
How can I change this?

Welcome to Jamroom!

Genosis doesn't really place any restrictions on gender - you should be able to set things up however it works for you. Can you let me know the error you're getting? That will give me an idea of what might be happening.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Petra Landgraf
6 years ago
10 posts
Hi Brian,

It may not be intensional but there are restrictions.
When I look at my daughter's page i can see myself and my (ex)wife mentioned as parents. But when i go to her chart only her mother is mentioned. Trying to add my existing profile as her father results in an error : "You have entered an invalid value for "link to person" - value must be a whole number greater than 0 (zero)".
The search function only shows male persons.
How can i change or work arrond this?
updated by @petra-landgraf: 11/15/19 01:17:31PM
6 years ago
10,149 posts
OK yeah this is just a data integrity issue - try this:

1) Go to your daughter's page and REMOVE yourself as a parent - i.e. hover your mouse over your name in the "parents" side bar and click the trash can - that will remove the relationship
2) While still on your daughter's page click the "Add New Parent" link right above the parents box on the side.
3) When the add parent form opens up, click the "Link to Existing Person" button in the upper right - search for YOUR name, select it and SAVE.

That should "rebuild" that relationship link and that should fix it up.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 11/18/19 11:46:01AM
Petra Landgraf
6 years ago
10 posts

I tried what you suggested. I had already tried that and several other methods, but everything failed. Regardless of the way, the result was always the same as shown in pic 3 shows. Pic 1 en pic 2 speak for themselves.
Even the relationships capture regarded myself as a 'man' and then as a last change my gender to female does not give the desired result. I even looked at the database tables to see if it is possible to change the relationship manually. Unfortunately, there is little 'readable' information in the database. (except for the language table that I have supplemented with an nl-NL translation).
I think this problem can only be solved with an extra database field. E.g. by adding a 'other' gender option. Then offer the choice of the male or female relationship in the database.
This also offers a solution for same-sex couples. Ready for the coming years........

For the time being I only mention my daughter's biological mother in the timeline. Not an elegant solution, but at least my parents are correct

I hope someone knows a better solution until there is a modified version.
pic 2.jpg
pic 2.jpg  •  101KB

pic 3.jpg
pic 3.jpg  •  62KB

pic 1.jpg
pic 1.jpg  •  133KB

Petra Landgraf
6 years ago
10 posts
Anyone else who can help?
6 years ago
10,149 posts
Petra Landgraf:
Anyone else who can help?

I see you're talking about the CHART - I didn't realize that. I've been out this week for the holidays but will check this out as soon as I can.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Petra Landgraf
6 years ago
10 posts
I see you're talking about the CHART - I didn't realize that. I've been out this week for the holidays but will check this out as soon as I can.

much obliged...
6 years ago
10,149 posts
I've just checked the code out and right now it requires a "spouse" link between the parents - so in this case make sure you have created a "Partner" (from your screenshots) relationship between yourself and Johanna - that should get it working. To do this, go to your profile and click the "add new spouse" link, then click the "Link to Existing Person" button in the upper right and select Johanna.

Let me know if that works.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Petra Landgraf
6 years ago
10 posts
I have tried that before and tryed it again. But there is no way the chart is correctly displaying my tree. I'am not surprised about this, since there is no information stored that I, as a female, must be recognizable as male bloodline.
I'm not unfamiliar with programming in PHP, SQL and TWIG (largely similar to tpl). If I know which modules may need to be adjusted, I may be able to help solving this problem.
I have little time at the moment, but I will create a GEDCOM file with a non-standard family tree. I will incorporate the gender issues that I have already recognized.

You will soon hear from me soon.
6 years ago
10,149 posts
I just pushed an update to the Genosis Core (version 1.7.0) - update to that and let me know if that looks better.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Petra Landgraf
6 years ago
10 posts
After the update and applying the the necessary links, the chart now shows my family tree correctly.
Thank you, problem soved.
