How do I change a form?

8 years ago
3 posts
How do I change the "Modify Person" form.

I want different order of the date fields. I have read the Jamroom documentation but it does not seem to match the Genosis installation.
updated by @svante: 12/11/17 03:27:54PM
8 years ago
7,793 posts
That module isn't setup to work with the Form Designer, its running on a slightly different system.

TECHNICAL REASON: Its not using a datastore structure in the database, its using its own tables, so the Form Designer feature can't manipulate it.

What was it you're thinking with "different order of the dates"? Do yo think a different order would be an improvement?

8 years ago
3 posts

In sweden we never use dates on the form m/d/yyyy. Its either yyyy-mm-dd or d/mm yyyy. Most old sources is on the form d/mm yyyy.

Hence entering dates as August 30 1884 is kind of awkward and I would like to be able to change the order of the fields to 30 August 1884.
8 years ago
7,793 posts
That makes sense. We'll get something in place to make that possible.
8 years ago
7,793 posts
We've got this included in an upcoming release of jrGenCore. Should be released shortly.
8 years ago
7,793 posts
This is released in the marketplace now.
