Please help

8 years ago
2 posts
Hi Is there any way that users can add there family tree please
i have installed the software however it looks like only admin can create trees

with thanks
from rick
updated by @rick1969: 05/25/17 07:22:28PM
8 years ago
7,789 posts
You could make any user an admin user, that would allow them to have the same level of usage as you have. Or you can set their level as a Profile Admin and they will have full access to the profiles, but not to the ACP area where all the setup is done.

How are you hoping to have it work?

sorry forgot the docs link to change user level:

Docs: "What is a User account? -> User Group"

The different user level options are:
Standard User: a normal user account in your system - can modify items they have created only.

Profile Admin: can modify users and profiles and items created by any user on the system. Has access to the [url=] Dashboard[/url] .

Master Admin: full access to all system areas including the [url=] Admin Control Panel[/url] and [url=] Dashboard[/url] .

updated by @michael: 02/23/17 08:00:34PM
8 years ago
2 posts
i was sorta hoping to have users being able to have there own trees is there any way round this or is there another piece of software that does
with thanks
from rick
8 years ago
7,789 posts
Probably this software. :) Just need to understand what it is you're expecting to happen, then figure out how to set things up.

By "build their own trees" you mean they can add people's profiles to the system. ok, got that. From that point Im not sure.

If a person they were wanting to add to the system already exists in the system are you wanting them to be able to edit that person that someone else has put there? If YES, then make all of the users 'Profile Admin' users. If NO then maybe what you're after is a separate Genosis install for every person that signs up.

Are the users who are able to have their own trees people you know and trust or unknown people from somewhere on the internet?
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Genosis is designed to be run by a single researcher, or group of researchers, working on a single family tree, so multiple trees for multiple independent users is not possible on a single site.
Hope that helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
