Setting maiden names

8 years ago
4 posts
For a female family member whose surname changed through marriage, is the 'Other names' field the appropriate place to put that maiden name? As it allows multiple string entries separated by commas, I'm assuming the field isn't used to create semantic relationships. I'm thinking that it perhaps should, though. I'm thinking that, for example, someone born 'Jane Jones' who changes her name to 'Jane Smith' (and is recorded as such with first name and surname) should have a semantic relationship to the name value 'Jones' as well as a hierarchical relationship to her parents, shouldn't she? It looks like recording her 'Other name' as 'Jane Jones' wouldn't establish that relationship between her and her family name. Is that correct?
updated by @jmsp1983: 05/22/17 03:55:10PM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Its normal practice to enter maiden names into the Surname field and use the Other Names field for 'nicknames' or 'known by'.
Hope that helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
