solved Most of the page is blank upon logout

9 years ago
25 posts
Ok I'm stumped! When I log out of admin the site details all disappear. All photos and trees disappear. Require login from global config is set to off. Maintenance mode is also off.
ex1.jpg  •  68KB

ex2.jpg  •  167KB

updated by @mollycakes: 10/04/16 08:56:02AM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
You may not have set the default tree - log in as admin and go to Trees -> Tree Tools -> "modify" for the tree you want to be the default tree, then make sure the "Default Tree" is checked and save. Then reset caches and you should be good.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
25 posts
Perfect! I had researcher checked off? Don't remember ticking that box off.
Thank you again!
