solved Genosis Query

Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
I am in the process of moving my 3600 member Ning site to Jamroom. This is a long process and consists almost entirely of waiting at the moment :) Unfortunately I am on Ning 3.0 so I am waiting for the archiver which is purportedly in the works.

Meanwhile I had intended developing genealogy provision on the AmeriCymru site, probably by means of a Joomla extension which would be linked from it.

My question is twofold:-

1. Am I right in assuming that I need to install Genosis as a separate core on my server. AND if so will I be able to combine logins when I move the main AmeriCymru site to Jamroom.

2. The genealogy group on AmeriCymru has around 100 members. Will I be able to offer them ALL ( and future members too ) their own distinct and unique family trees together with all site features.

I hope I have explained clearly. I would like if possible to use Genosis now ( as an adjunct to AmeriCymru ) and hopefully sync the two more closely when I take the main site over to Jamroom.

Many thanks in anticipation.

updated by @ceri-shaw: 02/09/15 12:02:34PM
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
OK so I read the fine manual and it appears that the answer to question 1 above is yes :) I am however, still unclear as to whether one Genosis install will host multiple entirely unrelated family trees which can be accessed by different users?
10 years ago
64 posts
Where may I find the manual for Genosis? Looks like a pretty good stuff to know more.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Where may I find the manual for Genosis? Looks like a pretty good stuff to know more.

The documentation is here -

Ceri - I've not actually 'seriously' used Genosis but the documentation does say that it supports multiple trees. Hopefully Brian can give you a definitive answer on this.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I think Genosis can almost do what you're looking to do, but right now "out of the box" it will function properly, but may not work the way you're hoping it to work (if you're looking for what I think you're looking for).

Genosis supports multiple trees no problem - however it has been designed as a system where multiple genealogical researchers are all working on one or more trees that they ALL have access to. So you could have 50 different researchers, and 50 different trees, but all the users that have a researcher account would have access to all 50 trees.

I think what you are looking for is totally doable, but would need some Genosis core updates to work properly:

- we need a new user account config item that says "this user has full access to THESE trees, but can't see ones they don't own"

- users can be invited to "join" a tree by regular users so they can invite their family or other researchers to help them out, or view the full tree (if tree privacy is enabled) - right now this is only doable by the site owner (master admin)

So that's definitely not hard to think about how it would be done, but it would all be done at the lowest level so it would take some work to make that happen.

Not a bad idea for Genosis 2.0 as really it would let you make your own version of in a way.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts

Not a bad idea for Genosis 2.0 as really it would let you make your own version of in a way.

Let me know if that helps.

A niche is exactly what I had in mind :) So....if I go ahead and start using it in that way now, I would have to explain to researchers that all trees are visible to all researchers and trust them to work on their own tree and not alter or edit other peoples?

Wiould it be possible to alter existing access levels if the new user account config is introduced at a later date?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
A niche is exactly what I had in mind :) So....if I go ahead and start using it in that way now, I would have to explain to researchers that all trees are visible to all researchers and trust them to work on their own tree and not alter or edit other peoples?


Wiould it be possible to alter existing access levels if the new user account config is introduced at a later date?

Yep - there would be a "default" global config and you could update it for existing users.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Many thanks :) I think I will install Genosis today and start it with trees from just myself and my partner. This will provide us with an opportunity to explore importing ( she has a Gedcom file ) and raw research ( I have to start from scratch ). Once we've got somewhere with it we will invite others to open an account.

One further question....if I start this on our existing server and then migrate AmeriCymru to an instance of J5 on Arvixe, can I move the Genosis site to the Arvixe server? How easy is it to relocate?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Genosis is basically a standard Jamroom install, so moving it to another server is pretty straightforward. See
If you're moving servers you'd also need to export/import the database as well, of course.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Great....many thanks :)
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Playing with this I correct in assuming that I can use this page as an exemplar page ( some basic instructions and stuff ) and leave it there for the benefit of new members? I have demoted it from default status and I'm wondering if it can be left ( once suitably adapted ) as a guide.

Then I am assuming I can get on with building my own tree from this page as can other members when they have an account.

Assuming this is the case....why when I click on the trees view ( or individual trees ) from this page does it simply refresh the page and not open those trees
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Ooooops....I just noticed that this link opens different pages depending on where it is clicked from. If you click it from the above post it opens the 'example', formerly 'default' tree. If you click it from my profile page it opens my new 'Ceri Shaw' tree. Slightly confused.....
updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/05/15 03:34:30PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
Ooooops....I just noticed that this link opens different pages depending on where it is clicked from. If you click it from the above post it opens the 'example', formerly 'default' tree. If you click it from my profile page it opens my new 'Ceri Shaw' tree. Slightly confused.....

This is because the chart view always is for the "active tree" - since your Ceri Shaw profile is in one tree, and the blog post is another, switching between the 2 profiles will also switch active trees.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Yes that helps :) I was wondering though....where do I go to fiddle with the main menu. There are some things I would like to add e.g. a splash page with directions etc for using the site.....not sure how I would do this.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
Yes that helps :) I was wondering though....where do I go to fiddle with the main menu. There are some things I would like to add e.g. a splash page with directions etc for using the site.....not sure how I would do this.

All the templates are going to be in the Genosis Family skin (ACP -> Skins -> Genosis Family -> Templates). The "index" is called index.tpl, etc.

The "splash" screen that you see if you have the site in Private mode, is accessible in the templates tab of the Genosis Core module (since it handles that function).

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Having checked that the site is in public mode and logged out...I find that I cannot access either of my existing trees. Is there some way I can remedy this? I want to be able to invite potential new members to browse the existing entries. Can't work out how?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
Having checked that the site is in public mode and logged out...I find that I cannot access either of my existing trees. Is there some way I can remedy this? I want to be able to invite potential new members to browse the existing entries. Can't work out how?

Did you set the trees to be "researcher only"? Log in as the master admin, go to Trees -> Tree Browser, click on Modify next to your trees and make sure "Researcher Only" is NOT checked. Also make sure you have selected one of the trees to be the "default" tree.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
OK,....I did that. Researcher Only was not checked on either tree. However I had not set a default tree. I have now done so but still cannot access either tree when I am logged out :(

Here is a blog post associated with the default tree which we are creating as an example for potential new members....hence the need to make it visible.

What am I doing wrong? I cannot get, from this page to the default tree :(
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm not able to load your site from here - I get "server not found" - is DNS setup properly on your site?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Seems to be working is the main url:-
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yes I see it now - I also see both your trees. Did you change something?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
No....not since I made Prof Twaddle default. Maybe I need to clear cache and log out again?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
No....not since I made Prof Twaddle default. Maybe I need to clear cache and log out again?

yeah you can try that - I'm seeing both your trees from my end.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Can you tell me which link you are clicking on to get to the trees? I cannot access any of them ( just created another one tree 3 ) when I am logged out. Cannot work out why...I have emptied sit and browser caches and tested on another machine :(
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I keep getting "connection reset" almost everytime I try to load your site, so something is up with the hosting.

I'm clicking on "trees" in the top menu, then selecting a tree.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
A dumb question but :) do I add a screenshot on here?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
A dumb question but :) do I add a screenshot on here?

Modify your post after you have created it and you can add a file.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
When I hover on the tree view link (see below) the link displayed at the bottom of the page is gencore/set_active_tree_id/1 BUT when I click I go back to storyforge/welsh-american-genealogy
Seems to go round in circles.
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updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/06/15 02:23:24PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Hmm - it seems to be working here for me.

When I click on:

Ceri Shaw - I get "My family tree. ( under construction )" and the tree name is Ceri Shaw

Example Tree - I get "An example tree!" and the tree name is Example Tree

When I click on "Tree 3" I get "Tree 3"

So all that looks correct to me. I've not seen an issue with this before so I am not sure what to suggest. What browser are you using?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10,149 posts
One thing that might be confusing here (not sure) is that if you enable the index Blog Posts, they show on ALL trees. Let me know if you were expecting those to change between trees...

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Using FF on Linux and Chrome on Mac....havent tested on the Windows box yet so cant speak for IE.

I think maybe I am miscommunicating :) I note that when I go to the Johnson site and click on 'Trees' > 'Johnson and Fisher Family' I get back to this url with the note from the description field at the top "Welcome to the Johnson and Fisher Family site - a work in progress.
If you are a family member, please log in to gain access to all tree members. If you are a visitor, only ancestors born before 1910 are viewable."

If that is what is supposed to happen, well and good. Same thing on my site BUT:-

If I then click on William Bourne in 'Recent' in the right hand column I get to this url:- from there I can click on 'View Tree' and get here:-

The last mentioned link is the view that I am trying to get to on my site. Sorry if I did not specify it accurately.

At the moment I have nothing in recent ( indeed no entry for it ) despite having added a few ancestors to my tree ( not yet to the default which is Prof Twaddle ) and I cannot reach the above view from anywhere else. How do I get links to the pedigree views to appear when I am logged out?

Hope I am not being too obtuse here :)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
No - you're not being obtuse at all.

I think the issue here is that you only have 2 profiles on your site - and if they are on different trees then the chart is not going to work.

Go into one of those profiles and add parents or children and the chart should work - I don't believe it will generate a chart without any relatives.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
One thing that might be confusing here (not sure) is that if you enable the index Blog Posts, they show on ALL trees. Let me know if you were expecting those to change between trees...

Problem solved :) Many thanks....just disabled 'system blog' and I now have a 'Recent' listing in right hand col and am able to access trees. I will now stop bothering you with silly questions for a least until the next time I bugger things up :)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
No worries - definitely not a silly question! I've learned that for every person that asks a question, there's probably 10 people wondering the same thing :)


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Oooops....maybe I spoke too soon :( There doesnt seem to be anything on the home page now ( after emptying cache and logging out ) Will try adding 'relatives' to default tree as you suggest above.
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Current situation is this:-

I have one user ( myself Ceri Shaw master account ) and three trees - mine , 3 and default.

On my tree I have created entries for parents and for paternal grandparents.

On the default tree I have created parents.

The Ceri Shaw and Tree 3 views both show 'New Person' when I am logged in but the Default view displays Recent relatives in the right hand column as it should.

When I am logged out all I get is 'New Person' for tree 3 and Ceri Shaw and a blank screen for the Default.
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updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/06/15 03:48:56PM
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
I can only assume that there is a major db problem probably caused by me clicking off the default tree shortly after I installed ( and before I added my family tree ). I have subsequently reinstated the default tree but for a while there wasn't one on the site. Was this a major no no?
10 years ago
7,789 posts
First thing to do is to run the integrity check whenever you think something is stuffed up.

ACP -> SYSTEM CORE -> TOOLS -> INTEGRITY CHECK -> (check all the checkboxes) -> RUN INTEGRITY CHECK.

That should make sure your database is all in order.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
I can only assume that there is a major db problem probably caused by me clicking off the default tree shortly after I installed ( and before I added my family tree ). I have subsequently reinstated the default tree but for a while there wasn't one on the site. Was this a major no no?

I don't think there is anything wrong with the DB. Most likely what you're seeing here is Genosis's "privacy" setup kicking in.

Go to ACP -> Genosis -> Genosis Core -> Global Config and you'll see a setting "Public View Cutoff" - I believe it is set to 1900. What this means is that anyone WITHOUT a birth date OR a birth date AFTER 1900 will not be visible to users who are NOT logged in. This is so you can keep information about family members that are still alive private.

So set that to something like 2100 if you want your entire tree to be public.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Progress!!! Many thanks :) With 'public view cutoff' set to 2100 I CAN see the entries in the Example Tree in 'Recent' when logged out. Everything links from there as it should.

BUT I cannot see the entries in my own tree. Still getting New Person icon there even though I have added parents and paternal grandparents.

Ran Integrity Check on issues.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
Progress!!! Many thanks :) With 'public view cutoff' set to 2100 I CAN see the entries in the Example Tree in 'Recent' when logged out. Everything links from there as it should.

BUT I cannot see the entries in my own tree. Still getting New Person icon there even though I have added parents and paternal grandparents.

Ran Integrity Check on issues.

If you view your profile do you see your parents and grandparents in the family links on the left?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
This what I see when I'm logged out:-
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updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/07/15 02:04:33PM
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
This is what I see when I'm logged in:- ( So I guess the answer is yes )
 •  130KB

updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/07/15 02:07:07PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
That's weird - it seems like your profile is no longer "attached" to the Ceri Shaw tree. Try this - modify your Ceri Shaw profile by clicking on the small gear in where your name is, then click on the "Move To Another Tree" button in the header - see if you can "move it" to the Ceri Shaw tree.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Getting closer :) I CAN now see my ancestors when I click on Ceri Shaw from Trees dropdown at

However if I navigate from there to:-


then: ( View Tree )

no chart is displayed or rather a chart is displayed but I am the only person on it. ( see screenshot below )
 •  32KB

updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/07/15 02:37:44PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah that's weird - I can see it "start" to display, then it goes away. That really shouldn't happen, and I am not sure why it is.

If you go here:

then click on the small magnifying glass in the Barnard Thomas Shaw box you will see Ceri Shaw - click on the name there and it works, so there's something in the initial "load" it does not like, since it works if you come to it this way.

I've not actually seen this before, so I would have to get access to your site so I could investigate it and see if I can spot the root cause. If you want to send me your site login and FTP into to support [at] jamroom [dot] net I can try to check it out tomorrow morning.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
k..many thanks. I noticed the 'starting to load' phenomenon as well. Will send details later today ...only 3pm here. Will be with you for tomorrow morning.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
k..many thanks. I noticed the 'starting to load' phenomenon as well. Will send details later today ...only 3pm here. Will be with you for tomorrow morning.

OK cool - appreciate that.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Just thought I should add....I cant get to it from the Bernard Thoams Shaw box. Magnifying glass link doesn't open anything :(

Sorry forget the seems to now. Odd some times it displays without the granparents or the glass icon and other times it displays as it should. That could be a server issue I not loading completely?
updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/07/15 03:02:26PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
Just thought I should add....I cant get to it from the Bernard Thoams Shaw box. Magnifying glass link doesn't open anything :(

That's an AJAX request, and I have noticed issues with how your site loads - I would say 50% of the time I get an "server disconnected" notice when trying to load your site - something is up with your web server config (maybe a bad Apache process).

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Ceri Shaw:
Just thought I should add....I cant get to it from the Bernard Thoams Shaw box. Magnifying glass link doesn't open anything :(

That's an AJAX request, and I have noticed issues with how your site loads - I would say 50% of the time I get an "server disconnected" notice when trying to load your site - something is up with your web server config (maybe a bad Apache process).

Figured that was probably a server issue....see my update above :)
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Just sent login details now...sorry I'm a bit late with distracted :)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I've got you fixed up here - root cause was that your "Ceri Shaw" profile hadn't actually been linked into a tree (it did not have a tree id). I went in an "updated" your profile and it moved you into the Ceri Shaw tree, and then I "relinked" your profile to your parents, so it's working now.

You'll want to log out and back in again since there are new "profile" keys that need to be brought up into your session.

I'm going to check out the code in depth and see if I can put some code in to try and detect when a profile is not setup right and have the code "fix it", as normally you shouldn't see that.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Great...many perfectly now. Back to developing the Family Trees.

A few informational q's :) Does site builder work on Genosis? Can I put new members on approval?
updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/09/15 01:46:00PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Right now Site Builder only works on the 'Slate' Skin and the NingJa skin (although this is really beta I believe).

Down the road when site builder is no longer in beta, we will likely look at adding support for it to existing skins - Genosis would be a good candidate.

Yes - you can set JR up to approve new members - just make sure in the quotas you have allowed signups on (in the ACP -> Users -> User Accounts -> Quota Config) that you have the "Signup Method" set to "Admin Validation". You'll get an email when users signup so you can check them out and approve/reject them.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
k....great...will go set that up now.....develop trees and splash page and start inviting people to use the site from AC genealogy group once I have made a bit more progress....once again many thanks :)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ceri Shaw:
k....great...will go set that up now.....develop trees and splash page and start inviting people to use the site from AC genealogy group once I have made a bit more progress....once again many thanks :)

No problem! Please let me know how it goes - Genosis has been mostly a "personal" project of mine as I love doing Genealogy stuff, so feedback is appreciated :)


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ceri Shaw
Ceri Shaw
10 years ago
84 posts
Just set up a second account for my partner Gaabriel. She can only add events to her profile. There is nowhere for her to create a tree ( or contribute to one I have already created ) How do I give her that capacity? Also I need her to be able to add gedcom file to her tree/chart. How can I do that?

Many thanks in anticipation.

UPDATE: OK I resolved that by giving her access to my profile. Which as I understand it, means that she can now work on any trees that I create and vice versa. That is fine.

Bearing in mind that we discussed earlier that any new member will have access to any and all trees created on the site and given that I would rather they did not at least have access to hers and my trees ( since they will be used as exemplars etc ) is it possible to create another profile and assign all other users to it? If so I would assume that they would have to be trusted not to meddle with each others trees BUT they would effectively be prevented from accessing ours. Hope I explained that adequately and that it makes some sense :)

updated by @ceri-shaw: 01/10/15 12:11:20PM
