Sorting items

11 years ago
26 posts

I created a module with Aparna that allows my users to sell zip files while showing an mp3 demo of the file they are selling. Using Iskin 3 I would like to display these products like the audio files are displayed in this skin and have the possibility to sort them with drop down menus on top of the page where one could select "genre" "product type" "software needed", etc... and get the results that match their selection.
I tried to modify the templates from iskin 3 as well as the sort.tpl file but without success. I also posted in the n8flex forum but Nate told me that this was a jamroom issue more than an iskin one.
Does anyone have an idea on how I could create these menus that will allow me to sort the products easily ?
Thanks a lot...
updated by @nixt: 03/30/14 04:07:59PM
11 years ago
2,800 posts
Do you have a link to the page?

I'm not sure what the sort.tpl file is, I don't think that is a Jamroom default template.

You'll most likely have to do something custom at the template level for your module.

Note that this is not a Jamroom issue since it is a request for a custom design/feature for a third party skin, which we most likely will not be able to help much with since we can't support third party skins because we don't have the files.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
26 posts
Here is the link on the demo of iskin 3 :
I thought that was more concerning iskin than jamroom but Nate told me the contrary so...
But anyways if anybody know how I could do the same thing with the products uploaded through my module that would be great.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
None of our modules or skins have a "sort.tpl". If you are using iskin, and have templates questions, you will have to post them to n8flex - we don't support n8flex skin customizations in the forum here.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
