multiple search filters

2 weeks ago
85 posts
Any suggestions on the easiest way to have multiple search filters. LIke a check box on list that can filter multiple genre or genre and quota
2 weeks ago
7,772 posts
The first thing that jumps to my mind would be to put a section specific search box where that section is, so if you have a and then put a search box for 'audio' only at the top of the audio location.

Like this:
updated by @michael: 01/07/25 02:42:12PM
2 weeks ago
85 posts
I have those. I created 6 filters like that. They work great individually. The trick is to get them to all work together. What I was thinking is check boxes in the list to filter more that one option on the list. Like check two different genre box and only show those 2 or how every many checked
2 weeks ago
7,772 posts
Sure you can see that sort of being done in that link where it adds the genre filter to the link. Checkboxes could be one way to do it. Another way could be to have A B C D E F .... to filter by ??? category maybe... nah a bunch of checkboxes is a good idea.