solved Nova Dark Theme Our Sponsors Mod Stopped Working After Last Update

5 years ago
44 posts
Hi Paul. Hi Brian. Hi All.
OK, ya got me again LOL. Didn't notice but after the last update, the "Our Sponsors" Box on our Home Page (you know, the ones for which our paid supporters show their logos) stopped working. The site is at . THE SKINS GLOBAL CONFIG (picture attached) doesn't give you the ability to enter your ads anymore... Is that the problem, or, is there another place to configure "Our Sponsors." I've attached a picture of the missing logos on the home page...
Missing Ad.jpg
Missing Ad.jpg  •  1.7MB

Our Sponsors.jpg
Our Sponsors.jpg  •  2.6MB

updated by @jammerpro: 11/10/20 04:25:08AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Checking this out...

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
4,335 posts
I was seeing this as an issue in FireFox but not with other browsers. I then disabled the FF AdBlocker plugin and all came good.
Check that you don't have an AdBlocker or any other browser plugins that are causing this.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
44 posts
No ad blocker. Paul, look at the attached pics. Problem still exists. Look at the above 1st pic which is a screen shot of the Global Config for Nova. There is no spot to enter in the large or small ad codes. At the site, "Star.Law" which is the 480 ad at top shows but the small ad in the Our Sponsors block is gone. THERE IS NO PLACE IN THE GLOBAL CONFIG TO ENTER THIS INFO ANYMORE. EVERYTHING IS GRAYED OUT. ALSO, Nova Dark seems to be gone. SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THE LAST UPDATE. If you like, I would pay for support to go through this and get it working.
updated by @jammerpro: 08/10/20 08:17:39AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
See attached screenshot of your site working for me after I disabled the FireFox ad blocker plugin. Are you using FireFox? Try looking at the same page with another browser and see if that works (It worked immediately for me on Chrome and it was at that point I became suspicious of the FF ad blocker). If you don't have an ad blocker, maybe its another plugin stopping those fields from showing?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
44 posts
You're the best Paul! There were actually two problems going on. LOL. I hate multiple issues!

The Our Sponsors picture was not showing because Nova Theme was updated and the picture ad file I referenced was not in the new directory... So, I referenced it properly.

Second, I never would have known that unless I knew to turn off ad blocker, and then look at the url's of the picture files.

Thanks again my friends. Glad to be back.
