solved Bundle savings currency change

5 years ago
123 posts
I've created an audio bundle with the currency set as euros, but when viewing the item list it shows the price saving in dollars.

What do I need to change to have it show in euros?
updated by @intro2music: 10/23/20 05:32:04AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
This is a bug in the Bundle module's item_list.tpl template and will be fixed in the next release of the module. In the meantime, edit the template and change line 58 from

<h2><b>{jrCore_lang module="jrBundle" id="44" default="Save"}<br>&#36;{$item.bundle_item_savings|number_format:2}</b></h2>


<h2><b>{jrCore_lang module="jrBundle" id="44" default="Save"}<br>{jrPayment_get_currency_code()}{$item.bundle_item_savings|number_format:2}</b></h2>

hth, and thanks for letting us know about it.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
123 posts
Thanks Paul, that worked fine.