Need a bit of asistance
i cant find any way to make a nice page A - z stle of every single artist profile on my site.
Be nice to have it sort able via
profile image,Band name - Genre, date formed, date split, status Hightest over all chart position, etc
Can i do this via the site builder and module or would i need to do ti via the templates. i am assuming once i have this page its a matter of a few tweaks to make it work for users, videos , albums etc
Also any assistance in how to get going or where in the docs to look, been reading a lot today haha
A second question is how to show the ALBUMS / Discography of an artists on their profile.
Thanks again, Jamroom and lock down has been a life saver
updated by @themetalscene: 08/28/20 03:50:31AM