solved Redirect on first login

6 years ago
56 posts
Hi, is it possible to redirect users to a welcome page the first time they login? With subsequent logins taking them straight to their profile pages?
updated by @hello77957: 08/10/19 01:20:51PM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
Not sure if this is possible without something custom. How are you verifying their signups?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
56 posts
Hi Paul, I'm creating their accounts for them then sending them the login info.
The site is only for a very small group, so not worth making a custom redirect, i'll just tell them to go to the page instead.

Thanks for your input!
6 years ago
4,335 posts
In that case try adding this at the top of your skin's profile_header.tpl template -

{if !isset($_user['user_has_logged_in'])}
	{jrCore_array name='_x' key='user_has_logged_in' value=1}
    {jrCore_db_update_item('jrUser', $_user['_user_id'], $_x)}

Its a bit of a sprag in that it updates the user's datastore directly, but it works!!
Set the jrCore_location URL to wherever your welcome page is.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
7,793 posts
You could probably get by without updating the database if you used the
key instead.

If that is 0 then they haven't logged in. so
{if isset($_user['user_last_login']) && $_user['user_last_login'] == 0 }
might be worth a go too.
last_login.jpg  •  202KB

updated by @michael: 05/02/19 10:23:46PM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
That was my first thought Michael but user_last_login does get set to the current time upon login

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
7,793 posts
Ah, right. We're too late to use that. gotcha.
6 years ago
56 posts
Perfect! Thanks Paul and Michael!
