Adding like buttons to lists

7 years ago
22 posts
Its nice to have the audio player play music files on a list. It'd be eve nicer if once you listen to the song if you could have an easily accessible 'LIKE' and 'SHARE' button right there on the LIST instead of having to go to the item_detail page to like it. This would benefit many jamroom users i'm sure as who doesn't want Likes to be more accessible.
updated by @tunefeed: 05/07/18 02:37:20PM
7 years ago
7,793 posts
You can put the like button wherever you like. :)

Docs: "Like It"

The code will look something like this:
{jrLike_button module="jrAudio" item=$item action="like"}

The location will be whichever module you're interested ins 'item_list.tpl'.

You can change that via any of the methods listed here:

Docs: "Altering a modules template"
