solved Share buttons on audio with SHARETHIS

7 years ago
22 posts
Had no idea adding share buttons could be so hard. So we've got a item_detail.tpl file that I can paste the code into? I put this cript type="text/javascript" src="//"/script
into the meta tag section labelled as a few things because i have no idea where else to put it as i can't just edit the header tag. Now i try to add the second part of script
....div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons blah blah
and my skin override doesnt let it show up..

now how the shit do i override my skin override because shits gonna have to be changing... on a regular basis. As far as im seeing editing anyhting is pointless cuz the skin overrides everything and i dont know how to change that.
If someone could just tell me where the share buttons need to be inserted so they show up where they should... thatd be great.
updated by @tunefeed: 04/15/18 05:45:36PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Can't you just use our ShareThis module? It has an option for adding the buttons to item_detail templates. Do that and it will just happen without you doing any template mods.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Yes - the Share This module is designed to work for you without you needing to edit anything.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
7,793 posts
Jamroom provides MANY ways to do things and MANY override opportunities, you need to select any one of these and you can take control.

First thing to do is to locate a point which allows you to take control. There may be overrides already existing, so test with "WHERE DOES THIS COME OUT" so you know that where you are editing is actually showing.

I added this for you to your site and provided a link in the ticket already, so just go to that location and edit the marker text that is already there.

Same docs apply:

Docs: "Altering a Modules Template"

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"
7 years ago
230 posts
Hi, I've been having problems with OneAll and I was wondering if it's possible to replace it with ShareThis? If it is, how can I do it please? Thank you.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
It would be just a case of disabling the OneAll module then loading and configuring the ShareThis module. But be aware that they don't provide the same functionality. Firstly, ShareThis does not cater for signups and logins from other social sites, and secondly, to quote from the ShareThis docs., "This is a different focus from the oneall module. Where oneall is for the creator of the content to share it when its is created or updated, the ShareThis module is for the visitors to share content they have found.".
Hope that helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
Thank you Paul, but can I pick on your expertise for a bit longer. Will it not work if the Creator of a post/blog/music upload or whatever created > hit the Post/Save button then Shared the created content ? As for signing up/logins from other sites I'm willing to let that go for now as OneAll has not worked for me the last 3yrs!
7 years ago
4,335 posts
The ShareThis module, by default, adds share buttons to the item details pages. As this is the page you are taken to after creating an item, the creator can then just click on the button(s).
Note that you can run both the OneAll and ShareThis modules at the same time, so if the sharing part of OneAll is working ok for you, you can get the best of both!!

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
Thank You Paul - Sounds Good. I'll try to figure it out. Good solution though.
7 years ago
22 posts
Anyways. Now for starter. I am using the ShareThis module... as i made very obvious in my first post considering the example code i put in literally says SHARETHIS in it. the code they say to put in my header tag looks like this

SHare this says "All our tools require sharethis.js. To install, copy and paste code below into the tag of your site. Then click the verify button below."

All im trying to do is this one thing. PUT THE TAG ON MY SITE. Now I know where a header is normally BUT im using jamroom's system here and do not see any module that has anything to do with tags except the Meta-tag Module.

Question #1: Where do i add the first and most basic ShareThis code?
Question #2: If I can use the meta-tag browser. What do i categorize ShareThis as?
options are web-author, abstract, copyright etc etc
7 years ago
22 posts
also I have not seen any magic buttons for adding sharethis to any template.
even this page says nothing about it.
7 years ago
10,149 posts
I think we're not doing a good job here of being clear. You do NOT need to add the share this javascript code. That's the entire point of the module is to make it so you do NOT have to do this. You just make sure the module is enabled, and it will automatically show up on the item detail pages. Our documentation is not going to cover how to do something you do not need to do.

So let's drop trying to add the share this javascript code anywhere on your site - you don't need to do it.

1) Log in to your Jamroom
2) Go to ACP -> Item Features -> Share This
3) Click on Quota Config
4) Check "Apply to All Quotas" and "Allow on Profile" and save changes
5) Reset caches

Share This will now appear on your item detail pages.

I know you're getting frustrated as you feel like we're not helping you, but this is pretty easy to setup. If you're trying to do something custom however, then let us know the end goal of what you're trying to so with Share This that is not supported by our module.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
230 posts
Thank you Brian - Even I followed the above and did it, but, there was no options of where to share - just shared the post to the followers. It was doing that before anyway. How can we do it so that it allows us to share on a variety of other networks? That's what I'm looking for. Thank you.
7 years ago
2,803 posts

Thank you Brian - Even I followed the above and did it, but, there was no options of where to share - just shared the post to the followers. It was doing that before anyway. How can we do it so that it allows us to share on a variety of other networks? That's what I'm looking for. Thank you.

Have you entered your ShareThis Property Settings - ID# ( - the ID number right below your account name) in your sites ACP > Item Features > ShareThis > Global Config > Publisher Key field?

Also make sure to checkout the modules "Service Config" section, that allows you to pick which social sites you allow your users to share to.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 01/15/18 03:09:41AM
7 years ago
230 posts
Hi Douglas, I did what you say but there's no publisher key * in the box. Where can I get this since ShareThis is part of JR?
Thank You
7 years ago
4,335 posts
ShareThis is a third party service, not part of Jamroom. Register on their site at and get your ID from their.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
Sorry - done everything as instructed - Got the key > 2) Go to ACP -> Item Features -> Share This
3) Click on Quota Config
4) Check "Apply to All Quotas" and "Allow on Profile" and save changes
Did the Service Config too
5) Reset caches
Still the same old share button that only shares to 'followers'
What next?
Thank you
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Look on at item detail page. The share to social networks buttons should be there.
If you can’t see them send us your site url and admin login as a support ticket so we can take a look.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
2,584 posts
If you are using a browser with some kind of Ad Block don't forget to disable it for your site, otherwise the buttons won't show.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
