solved Hosted Uploading Videos Issues on Audio Pro

8 years ago
60 posts
After updated jamroom and the skins to the latest version any self-hosted videos are no longer playing.
Getting the below error is displayed. I had followed all the recommendations from previews posts without.
The problem seems to be skin related since I had tested on all other skins and works fine. The problem is only happening with the Audio Pro skin.
The you have recommendations to remediate this issue?

Thank You Very Much
errormessage.PNG.png  •  333KB

updated by @luis890: 03/10/18 07:25:06PM
8 years ago
2,803 posts

Have you used the video verify tool?

ACP > Profiles > Video > Tools > Verify Video Files

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
60 posts
Hello Douglas and thank you for your quick feedback.
I had tried your suggestions again and the problem did not get fixed.
I think the source of the problem is the MediaPro Skin since I had tried with other skins and it works fine.
The problem is only happening with the MediaPro skin.

Thank You
8 years ago
4,335 posts
I'm not seeing this on my test site. Is it all videos when on the MediaPro skin, or one in particular?
Can you point us to a non playing video?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
7,793 posts
There was this issue from a while back:

but if its playing on other skins, then its probably a template issue. Does your skin have any customizations to the player template?
8 years ago
60 posts
Hello Paul and Michael.. Yes It does, but I also tried with a default template... zero customization and had the same problem.
I remember having the same issue on my other site with the same template. There was a fix, but I forgot about and I could not find it solution anywhere.
However: I did noticed that I have to setup the .htacess in a unique way after migrating to ssl, otherwise I cant not log in.
Not sure if that is the problem, but if it is it would not work with any skins correct. Is it possible if you can help me fix this issue with a ticket?
Thank You
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Send us your login details and I will have a look at it. send to support at jamroom dot net
8 years ago
60 posts
Thank You very much Michael. I just sent you and e-mail with the information requested.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
This was fixed - root cause was a bad stream value in the template.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
7,793 posts
This template:

was changed from 'video_file_mobile' to 'video_file'
updated by @michael: 12/10/17 12:29:03PM
