solved Broken link posted to twitter by system feed

8 years ago
253 posts
Hi, i just noticed that all posts sent out by system feed are broken when admin creates an item for a profile , the url sent out to social media (twitter) is not replaced with the profile url but the admins url so the url always leads to a black pages.
updated by @musamensa: 02/16/18 09:14:09PM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi, i just noticed that all posts sent out by system feed are broken when and admin creates at item for a profile , the url sent out to social media (twitter) is not replaced with the profile url but the admins url so the url always leads to a black pages.

Thanks for the report - I'll get a ticket open on this and we will check it out.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
7,793 posts
When admin creates an item for a profile there should be no "share to timeline" option for either the normal timeline or twitter.

I see what you're referring to now, its the 'System Feed' in the ACP under the TOOLS menu.
twitter_share.jpg  •  87KB

updated by @michael: 11/13/17 09:53:47PM
8 years ago
7,793 posts
This is fixed in the next version of jrOneAll ver 1.6.0
