solved Add Genre and Mood

8 years ago
37 posts
Hi! I would like to add genre and mood option fields to the "create audio file" section.
I was able to create the fields but when I add the values, only one shows up. Any ideas?

I am using the Beat Slinger skin.

Here are some of my values:

Option Value|Metal Core
Option Value|Midwest
Option Value|Neo Soul
Option Value|New Age
Option Value|New School
Option Value|Old School
Option Value|Orchestral

Thanks in advance!
updated by @dm: 10/16/17 01:55:28PM
8 years ago
7,790 posts
if that is ACTUALLY what you've put, then yes only one might show up because there is only 1 value, the value of "Option Value"

would expect to see something like:
metal_core|Metal Core
neo_soul|Neo Soul
new_age|New Age
8 years ago
37 posts
Thanks for the prompt reply! That did the trick! Any idea on how to remove the audio text and lyrics fields from the "create audio file" section?
8 years ago
7,790 posts
Same section you're looking in, the Form Designer:

Docs: "Using the Form Designer"

Just turn off the fields you don't want.

If you could, try to ask each question in its own thread with a descriptive title, it helps others with the same question find it when searching. thanks :)
8 years ago
37 posts
Thanks that makes sense. The reason I was asking about the text and lyrics fields is because they are not in the form designer.
Image attached.
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8 years ago
7,790 posts
ah, right, looks like the BeatSlinger skin is adding those fields in by itself.

This is going to be a bit more complicated then.

First thing to do is to clone the skin, so your changes dont get over-written if the skin is updated.

Docs: "Creating your own Skin ( Clone from an Existing Skin )"

That will create a clone of the beatslinger skin found on your server at:
/skins/(xxYourSkin's Name)

use SFTP to connect to your server and adjust the include.php file located at
/skins/(xxYourSkin's Name)/include.php

in that file there is a function called (xxYourSkin)_insert_fields

Thats where those fields are coming from, so we want to get rid of them. wrap the section in a /* and the end with */ as is shown in the screenshots.

That will cause that section of code not to run. re-upload the file to your skin on your server then clear the caches and run the integrity check if it doesnt show up immediately.

Docs: "Reset the Caches"

Docs: "Run the integrity check"
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8 years ago
37 posts
Thanks for all the detailed info! Looks like I have to put in some
8 years ago
7,790 posts
or use a different skin. other skins don't add that field.
8 years ago
37 posts
Ran into a problem right away...
problem.jpg  •  134KB

8 years ago
37 posts
I just did it on my original skin and it worked great! Thanks.
