solved Landing Page Questions/Changes - background, lower page links, removing items..and more

8 years ago
24 posts
From an Audio Pro Clone skin for the landing page:
I would like to know the areas I can make these particular changes.
It seems most these changes would be done here but not all:

1. How/where can I change the farthest background page color. This would be the background that is behind the large center "place holder"?

2. How/where can I change the height of the transparent banner that is at the bottom of the large center "place holder"?

3. How/where can I remove the small Audio Pro logo top left corner without replacing it?

4. How/where can I remove entirely or change the text that is in the lower right hand corner by default? (2017 website name - Php Social Network | Powered by Jamroom)

5. How/where can I change the position/color of social icons or remove them if needed from both default areas on the landing page?

6. After removing the default "on sale now" area and everything else that was underneath I'm left with a big grey horizontal bar under neath the place holder. I would like to have the entire skin background all one color basically.

In the end I'm looking for a real clean look for my landing page and then want to remove, add or change all my parts to the landing page including lower links and [menu buttons(I can do)]. So in the end I'm setting up the entire landing page and then creating all my pages from menu buttons and lower/bottom page links. To me the landing page is like your first impression of the site. From there using site builder, widgets and including page changes will go quicker. I'm just trying to get my landing page done so I can start setting up my pages. Thanks for your time. I hope this helps everyone.
updated by @jordan: 11/06/17 09:41:28PM
8 years ago
24 posts
Item #4 is complete guys even have a note in there..sorry we have to remove will promote Jamroom after launch for sure!!!
footer change.JPG.jpg

8 years ago
7,792 posts
#1 Video Learning: "Customization: Changing a Background Image"

#2 Use tools like Firebug in the Firefox browser to understand what CSS controls the element you're interested in, then adjust that CSS in your skins .css files found via SFTP at /skins/xxAudioProClone/css/(any file in here).css

Docs: "Connecting to your server using SFTP"

Here's a video showing Firebug working to add classes and adjust the classes to get things looking how you want them:
CSS coding on a button

#3 This is a video that shows how to locate which template anything is in. Use the same technique to figure out where your button (or anything else you want to change) is.

#4 I don't believe you ;)

#5 same technique as #3

#6 Same technique as #3 adjust the styles with css and template alterations. Maybe these docs:

Docs: Skin Design Guide Table of contents
8 years ago
24 posts
I was really looking for exact links for each question so I know at least what area/template I need to make changes. Instead of me finding a needle in a hay stack in the style editor.

So far in the last 2 hours I have only been able to complete #3 ...pulling teeth really. At this pace, it will take a year to build my site and i need to be done in 8 weeks. I didn't see the video link you mentioned at #3...unless you meant to use the video above that which really isn't helping me considering my skill level here. Can you please give me direct links and I will replace my site name in them. I can't waste time looking through tons of code and guessing which template does what from whatever .css area I'm in. All I'm trying to achieve here is one solid black background on my landing page. with everything else on top.

I'm finding the css templates to change things but its slow going. I suggest you guys create .jpg that has the actual template name spelled out right on top of each area so users know exactly which template effects which area. Only because some of the templates names can be misleading for the area they effect. Especially for new development users like myself. I think this would really help people to move along faster.
8 years ago
2,584 posts
Try turning on "template name in source" here:
That might help.

You will still need to use your browser tools or Firebug though, as you would to customise any website cms.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
8 years ago
7,792 posts
what you're asking for is custom development, yes we do that, check out this forum post:

Forum: "Now Creating Custom Sites"
8 years ago
24 posts
Just wanted to thank everyone for their responses. I had to take a short break on site work. I have decided to go as far as I can and if needed we will move into final customization's and let you know. This post can be marked resolved.
Thanks again!
updated by @jordan: 08/08/17 05:17:08AM
