Modifying the redirect target of the 'Submit' button on Simple Form

8 years ago
93 posts
My direct questions is:

How can I modify the destination of a user when they click the 'Submit' button on a Simple Form?


I would like to add a simple sign up form in front of a subscription purchase. We need more information that what we collect at the user sign up. I am attempting to do the following, but am open to other suggestions.

Click 'Join Graphic' -> Click 'Submit' on JR Simple From -> FoxyCart Checkout

Clear skies,
updated by @xephius: 09/19/17 05:36:26AM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi John -

That's not going to work with the Simple Custom Forms - this would require something custom if you need it to work that way. Can you capture that user info at signup time or as part of the user settings using Form Designer?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
93 posts
We can't capture it at signup because we mix consumer and commercial accounts, so some will have more required info than others.

Can I 'force' someone to fill out a form once they have been moved to a new Quota?

If not, I will look into the custom solution. :)

Clear skies,
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Can I 'force' someone to fill out a form once they have been moved to a new Quota?

Sort of - what you can do is add those fields into the User Settings form and make then required, but only visible to the quota they should be in. The user will have to fill those in before continuing. The only problem is if the user never goes to their settings, then they won't be filled in.

There's nothing in JR right now that will "force" a user to fill out a form to continue with an action - it's not something I believe has ever been requested before, so a "real" solution is going to be something custom.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
93 posts
Thanks, that does!
8 years ago
7,791 posts
If you're going to be building a module, checkout the jrTOS ("Terms of Service") module. Its structure is going to be very similar to what you want built.

It uses "Events and Listeners" to verify whether the Terms of Service have been agreed to and the user must agree in order to continue.

Docs: "Events and Listeners"