solved How to edit JrDocs tabs

lets go
8 years ago
118 posts
In the follow me skin i am Trying to add tabs to go along with the tabs, chapters and table of contents.
Cant find the tpl with codes in the module or the skin.

Also needed to know the css file for it to edit te appearance.
I have attached a screenshot for reference.

updated by @devcentricbeats: 06/16/17 05:05:18PM
8 years ago
7,791 posts
Those tabs are not put there by a template. They are put there by the module, so its not easy to edit them without via a module.

In the modules _init() function the tabs are registered like this:
    // Profile tabs
    if (!isset($_conf['jrDocs_show_toc']) || $_conf['jrDocs_show_toc'] != 'off') {
        $_tmp = array(
            'label' => 64, // Chapters
            'group' => 'all'
        jrCore_register_module_feature('jrProfile', 'profile_tab', 'jrDocs', 'default', $_tmp);
        $_tmp = array(
            'label' => 54,  // Table of Contents
            'group' => 'all'
        jrCore_register_module_feature('jrProfile', 'profile_tab', 'jrDocs', 'contents', $_tmp);

So you could create a new module and add your own button to that location via the same setup.

To edit the .css file, you can put any css in any file in your skin and it will appear in the main compressed .css file for your site.
lets go
8 years ago
118 posts
Ok. Thanks for the info. Im working on it now.
