solved Ninja Skin Fix

8 years ago
242 posts
RE: Ticket # : 20315
@michael said: "I have it fixed up for the next version of Ninja."
Hi : We are learning about merging code template changes via JR Forums.
However, since we are still learning, we may want to wait for code fix above to be published in next version Ninja skin update.
Any ETA on when the next Ninja skin fix will be published ?
updated by @softdesigns: 06/16/17 07:14:54AM
8 years ago
7,791 posts
lost, where did I say that. ETA is, we're prepping for jr6.1.0 now so any non-released stuff will be released with that.

What's the fix you're waiting on?
8 years ago
7,791 posts
found it.

Do this:
* Change it to this code:
{* This is the embedded template that is shown for EACH Latest Forum Posts entry on the right side *}
{capture name="template3" assign="forum_tpl"}
    {if isset($_items)}
    {jrCore_module_url module="jrForum" assign="furl"}
    {foreach $_items as $item}
    <div class="p5">
        <h3><a href="{$item.forum_topic_url}#last">{$item.forum_title|truncate:30}</a></h3>

        <div class="normal" style="line-height: 12px;">
            <strong>{jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="45" default="Posted"}:</strong>&nbsp;{$item.forum_updated|jrCore_date_format:"%A %B %e %Y, %l:%M %p"}<br>
            <strong>{jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="46" default="By"}:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.forum_updated_profile_url}">@{$item.forum_updated_user_name}</a>
    <div class="center p10">
        <h3>{jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="26" default="No"} {jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="19" default="Discussions"}!</h3>
{* This is the END of the embedded template that is shown for EACH Top Disscusstion entry on the right side *}

<div class="blog-index-text" style="{if !jrCore_is_mobile_device()}height:225px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;{/if}margin: 10px 0 0 0;padding-bottom: 10px;">
    {jrCore_list module="jrForum" search="forum_post_count > 0" order_by="forum_updated desc" limit=5 template=$forum_tpl quota_check=false}
The key points is this variable {$item.forum_topic_url} is the one that links to the latest forum post.

Prior to that it was a very long url with many parts that could in certain situations could be wrong.
