Ninja Skin Upgrades

8 years ago
242 posts
RE: Ticket # 20315: @michael mentioned some fix coming soon in the next Ninja skin upgrade.
If we make Ninja skin template script changes, then later a new skin version is released - and we upgrade our skin, will we lose our changes?
updated by @softdesigns: 06/29/17 02:05:10AM
8 years ago
7,791 posts
It depends on how you are making Ninja skin template changes.

There are many ways to make changes, I'm guessing you're probably in the 'make changes via the FTP file system' camp. If so, you should clone the Ninja skin and be working off a clone. Then when the changes come in, port any of the changes you want over to your cloned skin.

Docs: "Creating your own Skin ( Clone from an Existing Skin )"

Docs: "Using the Compare tool to keep Cloned skins up-to-date"

Docs: "Help - I just upgraded and lost my changes!"

Docs: "Altering a modules template"

Do you use a revision system like Git?
updated by @michael: 03/07/17 12:00:40PM
8 years ago
242 posts
Yes, we plan to use FTP and source version control to make template changes.
After quick study the Docs above, some questions:
For Example: After cloning, editing clone, then comparing to latest skin update, let's say that we see that Skin update changes need to be merged into our cloned skin:

Do we need to "manually" merge changes from the latest Skin updates into our cloned skin?

updated by @softdesigns: 03/08/17 06:30:20AM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Do we need to "manually" merge changes from the latest Skin updates into our cloned skin?

You can use the arrows in the "Compare" window to apply differences in code back and forth. See my screenshot.
You can first compare the newly updated Ninja skin template to the previous Ninja version to see what changed and whether you want to apply that new code in your cloned custom skin.
Then use the Compare tool to compare the new Ninja tmeplate to the same template in you custom cloned skin, and use the arrow to apply the new change if you like. Be sure to SAVE your change and ALSO make sure the checkbox is checked to activate the new change in your skin and save that.
You may have better 'compare' tools you already use. This is simply the way I do it.
Of course you can also make code changes using your own favorite editors on your computer, by downloading a copy of the template you want to change, then reloading it to your server once you've made a change.
tmpl-compare.jpg  •  473KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 03/08/17 11:11:27AM
8 years ago
7,791 posts
SoftDesigns:.....After cloning, editing clone, then comparing to latest skin update, let's say that we see that Skin update changes need to be merged into our cloned skin:

Do we need to "manually" merge changes from the latest Skin updates into our cloned skin?....

Yes. Once you clone a skin, any updates that come in to the original skin will need to be ported to your clone if you want to have those changes.

One point: Any changes that come in to MODULES templates that have-not been over-ridden by the skin will be automatically available to you.

So if in your skin you ARE over-riding a modules template, eg, you have a file called /skins/YOUR-SKIN/jrAudio_item_detail.tpl. then if changes come in to that module's template (/modules/jrAudio/templates/item_detail.tpl), they will need to be ported to your over-ride version if you want them.

You are using a setup similar to how I would do it, working in the file system with version control and an IDE. So I would do it like this:

* new changes come in to your system via the MARKETPLACE update system.

You want to see what has changed between this version of the original skin and the last version of the original skin, but in the file system they are in different directories, eg:

This structure doesn't work well with a revision control system because version-1.0.1 and version-1.0.2 are treated as completely different files.

If you run the REBASE MODULE tool found at:

you can stack all the revisions onto the base name directory, so version-1.0.1 and version-1.0.2 directories will disappear and you will just have:

So I would do it like this:
* use the rebase tool to remove all the versions
* sync my IDE with the server
* commit all the changes to the version control so there are no local changes present
* run the MARKETPLACE system update tool to get the new versions of the skins
* re-run the rebase tool to put the new version onto the base directory name
* sync my IDE with the server

What you should have now in your "Local Changes" panel is just the files that have changed. you can use the compare tool built in to your revision system to see exactly what has changed. Then port those to your skin if you want them.
8 years ago
7,791 posts
If you were using the ACP templates tabs, then do it how @strumelia suggested.
8 years ago
242 posts
Thanks for all replies above. We will need time to review and study in detail...
Great Support :)
8 years ago
242 posts
Any Idea or ETA when the next Ninja Skin Upgrade might be released?
8 years ago
7,791 posts
You're waiting on something from the next version?
8 years ago
242 posts
Yes, waiting on some various fixes floating around this forum.
We prefer get fixes from updates, rather than manually modify our current skin.
Also want to compare latest Ninja skin to recently upgraded Elastic2 to see which skin has more mobile features. So we want to compare latest upgrades of both skins...
8 years ago
7,791 posts
The ETA is anything outstanding will likely be released with the next major core version 6.1 which is in development now. No fixed release date, but should be next couple of weeks ish.
