solved Celebrity Skin Has White Chat?

Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
8 years ago
829 posts
I was playing around with some different skins this morning on my profile to see maybe if something else would work better for my site and checking out the celebrity skin seems to be the best it has all the features i really need but one thing that i noticed is the skin is dark and that works great for me but the chat is a light skin ? how can i make the chat on celebrity match the skin like how audio pro is dark and has a dark chat? I attached to snap shots one of the celebrity skin with non matching chat and the audio pro skin with matching chat. Is this a simple fix?
Capture.PNG.png  •  278KB

Capture2.PNG.png  •  404KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 05/20/17 06:29:40PM
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
8 years ago
829 posts
lolok i think i just fixed this myself i copied the chat css code from the dark skin in audio pro and pasted it at the bottom of the skin css for celebrity and now it looks great like this. will this change when the skin updates i guess i should clone this skin when i get done with editing it.
Capture.PNG.png  •  190KB

8 years ago
2,802 posts
Zachary Moonshine:
lol ok i think i just fixed this myself i copied the chat css code from the dark skin in audio pro and pasted it at the bottom of the skin css for celebrity and now it looks great like this. will this change when the skin updates i guess i should clone this skin when i get done with editing it.

You should really clone it first and then edit it.

You answered your own question though. ;)


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