in progress Elastic2 Tablet Issue

8 years ago
772 posts
I love the new Elastic2. Very nice and easy to work with. Thanks!

I'm hoping to get a fix for an issue I'm seeing on an iPad Pro 9.7.

I get the mobile slider menu header, which is fine; I'd prefer the desktop menu, but the main issue is that the slider doesn't work on profile pages. Also clicking on the site logo doesn't link back to home on profile pages. Something is up.

I've installed it on a couple sites and I've looked at Nate's demo site and they all behave this way.

While I'm at it, I wouldn't mind seeing the index_top image become a 3-image slider out of the box.

Thanks again for Elastic2. It's really cool to install it on an existing site. Somehow it makes things come alive more.
updated by @blindmime: 04/30/17 09:24:12PM
8 years ago
917 posts
I'll check the menu not working on the profile and the site logo link. The other stuff are preferences you can do if you want.
