solved Embedding a flash player into external sites

8 years ago
39 posts
Hi Guys , is there a way to embed a player to an external site in JR 6.06 ? , I know there was an old code in previous versions ?

updated by @brianrudie: 06/17/17 06:12:33AM
8 years ago
7,788 posts
couple of steps to that process. The Playlist player can already do it, steps are here:

Docs: "HowTo: embed the playlist player in an external site"

Same idea for any of the other systems though, get a page that just shows whatever player you want and nothing else, then embed that page wherever you want it.

Check out the ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS section from this doc:

Docs: "HowTo: allow streaming from other sites (embedding players in other websites)"
8 years ago
39 posts
mm, Can you recommend a player that would work?
8 years ago
7,788 posts
The one built into jamroom should be fine. There are lots of ways to do it.

My first choice would be to see how well an iframe'd page works.

create a file in your skin embeded_video.tpl (or whatever you want to call it.) That page will be accessible at the url (or whatever you called it.)

Then structure the code to just output a player.

This code should work in its own template to play video id #5
{jrCore_include template="meta.tpl"}
{jrCore_media_player module="jrVideo" field="video_file" item_id=5}

Then swap out the item_id=5 for a selection mechanism to identify which video you want to play. maybe from the address bar, but there are other ways. Not sure how you're wanting to do it so hard to offer advice.
8 years ago
39 posts
Thanks I will give this a try ( It looks beyond my skill though )

8 years ago
7,788 posts
nope, its not. you're good. easy. :)
8 years ago
230 posts
Hi, I wonder if you can help me please? I would like to embed the player on my Home page as a main player to Livestream and to play Archived videos from my hard disc. Is this possible? I have an old Livestream player at the moment but original.Livestream is no longer available. Thank you.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi, I wonder if you can help me please? I would like to embed the player on my Home page as a main player to Livestream and to play Archived videos from my hard disc. Is this possible? I have an old Livestream player at the moment but original.Livestream is no longer available. Thank you.

How would the files get from your hard drive to your site?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
230 posts
Hi Brian - Sorry. That was an absolute waste of your time and only goes to show my lack of know-how. I've had my platform from you guys for some time now and haven't done anything with it as i don't have any understanding of putting it together.
Could you please advise me how best I can go about approaching you/your team to set it up and asses the cost. I've tried the monthly support, of which I get my problems solved, but mean nothing to me since I cannot implement them.
Thanks for your time. Much appreciated.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi Brian - Sorry. That was an absolute waste of your time and only goes to show my lack of know-how. I've had my platform from you guys for some time now and haven't done anything with it as i don't have any understanding of putting it together.
Could you please advise me how best I can go about approaching you/your team to set it up and asses the cost. I've tried the monthly support, of which I get my problems solved, but mean nothing to me since I cannot implement them.
Thanks for your time. Much appreciated.

No worries :)

Contact us at support [at] jamroom [dot] net and we can help you get setup how you want.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
230 posts
Thank You:-) I'll get in touch this evening.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Thank You:-) I'll get in touch this evening.

Sounds good - thanks!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
