Modify Audio Pro Meta.tpl for Profile Page Only

9 years ago
1,022 posts
I was looking to change the way I was doing this and wanted to see about making it easier. Previously I copied the header.tpl/meta.tpl and renamed them and just called those from the profile page.

In order to accommodate Facebook, the og tags need to be different for posting embedded audio. So I need a conditional statement that says if the page is a profile page, use these settings. Right now the current meta.tpl file has no og tags and facebook posts are defaulting to the site maintenance image. Social Media is king for posting music and while I love that I can post the song image, the player I had before looked rather sad. I am hoping Audio Pro's embedded player looks a little better!

Thanks for the help.
updated by @dazed: 03/23/17 12:28:56PM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
currently in development: better og:tags for module detail pages. If you have a suggested format for 'perfect' meta setup, post it here.
9 years ago
1,022 posts
Hey Michael - Perfect is a stretch. I suppose each module may have a practical application but the one I am tying to accommodate is the audio page. From an architectural standpoint the only thing that comes to mind is a page that has og settings in the acp for each module. This way the tpl could just call the conf setting for each page.

you could set defaults and the user could change them accordingly.
og:url = $item.profile_url
og:title = $item.audio_title

I am sure there is an easier way though
updated by @dazed: 12/22/16 09:44:58PM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Each module will have a meta.tpl that will display some meta tags for that modules detail page. Currently trying to get that setup right.