Google ad banners

12 years ago
195 posts
The JR5 configuration only allows for the 468x60 and 180x150 banners.Can other ad banners such as the 160x600 or 728x90 be added?
I noticed that there is no form designer in the skin configuration section.
updated by @johnchansa: 02/02/14 04:59:54AM
12 years ago
2,800 posts
Yes, check out the config.php file for the skin to see how those fields are added to the skin config section and then check out the header.tpl and index.tpl for the skin to see how they are added to the templates.

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
195 posts
Thanks....I made a few changes to the config.php file and the header.tpl and index.tpl for the skin.
